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Nipping a saving glitch in the bud.


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So once upon a time, I had some trouble with my game crashing every time I save, whether its a manual save or autosave from transitioning areas.


I couldn't figure out what was causing it, so I eventually said screw it and started a new game. But now that problem has come back and I'm still at a loss as to what is causing it.


For anyone familiar with this type of bug, would you happen to know what kinds of mods would cause this problem? Would it be mods that affect certain values? Mods that are too big? mods that add something in particular? Or is it simply caused by having too many mods active?

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I believe it is a mod.

And be careful if u reinstall mods and check if certain mods do it, because your save file and be dependent on a mod whether its there or not.

This happens with the open cities mod. if u get crashes and uninstall, it will continue to crash because the savefile depends on that mod.

A similar thing happens to me when I quick save, however my game does save.

The best thing to do would be create a new game save and test on there.

Good Luck

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Start by posting your BOSS or LOOT log. Copy/paste the contents of the entire log here into a set of spoiler tags (so it won't clutter the screen). Include the SKSE information and the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated.

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