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Saskia playable character from The Witcher 2


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Hey, guys.


Been playing Witcher 2 recently. In my opinion, Saskia is one of the most memorable characters in the game (it was a shame that Geralt didn't get to spank her :s), but when I reached out to find a Skyrim mod that adds here to the game, I didn't seem to find anything relevant. The closest I got - her armor. Well, also this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/572861-playable-saskia-save-game-endorsements/?hl=saskia but the author seems to have vanished a long time ago and left no trail of his work or himself.


Now, I am not really a big of a modder myself and I hate creating characters (mostly because I can't get it right and every character I make suffers from severe ugliness), so I decided to ask you here guys to at least try to create her. Or tell me if it is possible at all. Don't really know if you're doing this kind of things around here, but hey.

Edited by slipliker
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helpful tip for creating a character would be to use the hair that makes them seem bald and creating the face from there. than go through the hairs till you find one that works. also use the mod Racemenu

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Wow. That is actually... Pretty damn awesome :D

Mind I ask what armor mod are you using there? :)

Also, you know, if you got some free time, could you give it a shot at making Saskia? Your character-creating skills are far more superior that the ones I have, obviously, and my recent tries didn't bring anything except for bitter disappointment :(

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my armor is a compilation of several sets, as standalones I don't like them that much. together they're great.

the first one is the West Wind Combat Series Assault armor, the pieces I use are:

Assault Dust Straps

Assault Pants Dark

Assault Pauldron

Assault Pride Green Left and Right

Assault Scarf Red

you will need the mod that allows you to craft the armor at a forge... the owner for whatever reason doesn't want to create the option.




my second and main set is the Blacktalon Armor which cant be found on the Nexus anymore which is odd, I got it on the nexus originally so I don't know what happened. you can find it by googling it. I use from this set:

Blacktalon Arm armor

Blacktalon Armor V3

Blacktalon Scarf


I also use cloaks of skyrim for the cloak. seriously if you don't have that mod you're missing out. in the picture I currently have the cloak off, but I use the green burlap one


my next mod is Bandolier, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16438/?

adds a bunch of craftable bandoliers that increase carrying capacity, its a tad over powered in that with what I got it increases my carrying capacity by 150

what I use:

Dark Box Pouch back right

Leather Box Pouch front left

Leather Pouches front right and side right


and the last one I use is DreamBurrows Regal Huntsman Armor http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39983/?

and I only use the Regal Huntsman Gauntlets


I'm still trying to find a good set of boots for her... yes she is barefoot... I know that's a bit harsh.



now for creating a character for ya... i'll try, I haven't actually created a character in the CK before so it might be a bit. whats your play style? that can help a lot in the creation of a character.


also shes a Nord

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Hey, there is a hairstyle really similar to hers in the Lovely Hairstyles pack, and you can also find her armor in the Witcher 2 Models mod.


As for making characters look prettier, you want to be using something such as RaceMenu or Enhanced Character Edit to actually make the character, and I would also recommend Better Females by Bella Natural Edition to help make female characters look nicer :smile:


I don't have the time atm (nor the experience with modding) to make the character and upload it unfortunately :sad: but with those mods it should be pretty easy to do yourself :3

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