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I tried to tell you before, you lack the main 20th century weapons.esp which is called 20thCenturyEVIL.esp

I spent 2 minutes reading the read me an found it. Read the 20th century read me. The main .esp isn't in that download anyway it's seperate somewhere. So you download the one, then the other I guess. I'm going to go look at it some more okay.






the pit.esm





20th centuryweapons.esm





20th century v4 alive( testcon...

20th century v4alive (brotherhood_...

20th century v4 alive (raider).esp

20th century v4 alive (npc_setteler)...

20th century v4 alive chinese ghoul...

20th century v4 alive (rivetcity).esp

20th century v4 alive (vendor).esp

20th century v4 alive (talon_regula...

20th century v4 alive (vault 101).esp

20th century v4 alive (supermutant)...

exnem wearable undies.esp

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Idk you're going about it the right way by having just one big mod to work on but something funny is going on.



I'd install the meshes an textures again from 20thcentury weapons.



Then open FOMM toggle archive invalidation on or off an back on, you want it on though.





20thcentury mentions downloading version 3 which has .esp in it, but looking at those optional ones like


20th century v4 alive( testcon...

20th century v4alive (brotherhood_...

20th century v4 alive (raider).esp

20th century v4 alive (npc_setteler)...

20th century v4 alive chinese ghoul...

20th century v4 alive (rivetcity).esp

20th century v4 alive (vendor).esp

20th century v4 alive (talon_regula...

20th century v4 alive (vault 101).esp

20th century v4 alive (supermutant)...



They all work off the .esm, which is kind of a funny way to do it. That's why I was like where's the main .esp, in the read me it says there's one, but looking at the above listed .esp they don't need a main .esp, weird, it's like a plug in which uses the fallout3.esm lists, but also uses the 20thcentury.esm to add weapons. Idk if a F03edit merge patch would help right now, but later on when you add in other mods you'll need one. All of those optionals are lists.






Which DLC has the bunches of big red blucko ! triangles ?



Sorry usually it isn't this hard to get something working. There have been wierd archive invalidation issues though.

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brrr, odd ... OK, here is my suggestion:

Clean out, uninstall, delete everything related to your Fallout 3 installation, except your save games. Even delete yoir Fallout.ini etc.

You have the GOTY? Just install it, should already be Version 1.7, install all DLCs, nothing else, run the game, should work.

For reinstalling have a look here first: LINK (Point 6 "Reinstalling Fallout")


BTW: What was your OS? VISTA or Win7 ? If so, the install F3 outside your Program folder (Point 5)


Good luck mate, don*t give up ;)

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brrr, odd ... OK, here is my suggestion:

Clean out, uninstall, delete everything related to your Fallout 3 installation, except your save games. Even delete yoir Fallout.ini etc.

You have the GOTY? Just install it, should already be Version 1.7, install all DLCs, nothing else, run the game, should work.

For reinstalling have a look here first: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=90 (Point 6 "Reinstalling Fallout")


BTW: What was your OS? VISTA or Win7 ? If so, the install F3 outside your Program folder (Point 5)


Good luck mate, don*t give up ;)

im useing windows xp

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