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Avatar makes people depressed?!


Did Avatar had any negative effects on you or any good ones?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Avatar!

    • I felt great after I watched the movie
    • It's just a movie, it didn't effect me in any way
    • I am depressed, why was I born on this planet?? :(
    • I didn't see the movie yet.
    • What's Avatar?

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For those that have no idea what Avatar is I'm going to provide a little information about it.


Avatar Wikipedia - click


Avatar HD trailer


Ok! Now to what this topic is all about.



I have been watching the news today on a national TV program called Antena3. They where talking about how much thousands of people suffered from depression after watching the movie. They showed some posts left on their forums. I'll quote one of those posts that I remember:


When I woke up the next morning after I watched Avatar, everything seemed gray and lifeless.


Some psychologists that consulted such people said that most of those that suffered from depression are lonely people, people that are not very sociable.




What do you think about this? I also made a poll for those to lazy to post.


I watched the movie to, it was great and all that and it will always be a pleasure to watch it again, but suffer from depression becouse of those nice screen effects?! :blink:






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Nah, it's the special effects and the lush, green environment. Most of these people happen to be in the grips of winter, so would naturally be feeling depressed. "...everything seemed gray and lifeless." Because it's WINTER you fool. Edited by Vagrant0
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Yea its the weather, when i went to watch the movie it was -20c, freaken cold coming out of that theater. Anyway the movie was awesome, fantastic special effects, very convincing graphics, also a good story on top of that :thumbsup: .


the movie in general didn't effect me in any way, just the weather, :(


Well maybe a small headache after waring those 3d glasses for some reason.

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Either the weather of they live in a flat lifeless wasteland like I do.

(Let's just say I've seen and know more about corn than anyone ever should.)


Anyone who feels truly depressed after watching this movie because

of the graphics is clearly already psychologically unbalanced. If it just

makes you have a bad day, then it's the weather.


New technology always has some odd effects on people. One

of the first movies had a guy point a gun at the camera and fire

and it scared a lot of the patrons.


They actually have a law against showing someone

firing a gun directly at the camera (at least for TV).

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Nah, it's the special effects and the lush, green environment. Most of these people happen to be in the grips of winter, so would naturally be feeling depressed. "...everything seemed gray and lifeless." Because it's WINTER you fool.


That and the fact that people who are depressed and watch movies that make them more depressed have other issues as well. There is actually a depressive state that psychologically and scientifically backs up Vagrant's post. I just cannot think of it right now, however back to the OP question, it could be a strong reaction to the movie just like some movies will make certain people cry. Or it could be that some people are more easily influenced by outside stimuli. Or it could be that people need to stop finding things to blame for their issues.


And to the racist question... Certain people will find racism in anything. They found it in Transformers 2 and in the movie 300. It boils down to being militant about something and transferring that energy into finding anything they can complain about or blame someone for. It is like the people that want to save the forests from clear cutting touting that it harms the environment and preaching peace with nature yet they drive spikes into the trees so the chain saw chains break and wrap around the lumber jack killing him. Very peaceful. :blink:

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I still can't imagine how weather can influence someone that much. http://smileydatabase.com/s/301.gif


New technology always has some odd effects on people. One

of the first movies had a guy point a gun at the camera and fire

and it scared a lot of the patrons.


They actually have a law against showing someone

firing a gun directly at the camera (at least for TV).


That's a nice piece of information,it made me laugh.


The good news that came with this movie, at least for me, is that we'll get 3d technology for your homes in a close future.

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well im about as antisocial as they come, but i wasnt depressed after watching avatar, infact, it made me think about what humanity is willing to do for money.
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