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Fallout new vegas


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I agree with Uncle Roe. I'd like the chance to ACTUALLY join the Raiders, that would be fun in my opinion.


What about the slavers(The paradise Falls quest doesn't count, that was a one time only thing.), or the mercenaries, they should be considered too; hell why not all three?

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If there would be any new companions, I hope that they won't be following you in lines like in a freakin' marching band.



I know this post is a little old but I hear you get a companion that resembles Amata and there is a companion reel which you get to command your companions more then ever.

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To be honest, I'm at the same time both excited and disappointed.


The hardcore more is very appealing to me - items having weight and sating needs will be neat as long as it's done without seeming like a monotonous time sink. That's the only caveat for realism mods. How do you do it while not sapping fun out of the game?


I like that they are improving the way companions work, although I really wish they would offer a little more interaction with the player instead of being my meat shields or walking storage tanks.


I honestly hope they do a better job of weapons and items, and include as many as possible.


I'm sure reusing gamebryo and bethsoft's resources will save them a lot of time, especially if they are collaborating with Bethsoft, but at the same time I'm sure the game will amount to being just a large mod. I hope they take note of from the many mods here on the nexus, and I think in some ways they have.


there really needs to be a greater and wider use of skills. Skills and special should be important.


So, for every good step forward I think they are making, I'm thinking they are taking a step back - but time will tell. I'm sure by about July and up into October November we'll get more details, so I hope they are hard at work cramming as much content in as possible into every square inch of the game.


If I have any advice for the mod community it's to prepare to organize. Clothing mods will come out, and Vegas will demand all sorts of styles, and to minimize the downloads I think if mods were as combined as possible and made into group efforts, you'd see many mods be released and updated much more quickly, as well as making whatever game that comes out that much more stable and enjoyable.


Another thing i foresee is documentation problems: GECK doesn't have a whole lot of good tutorials by itself, and I've personally had a hard time finding stuff on good practices for designing mods. A lot of times people throw things onto NPCs instead of using leveled lists, DB records get changed, and it's very difficult to track changes and how they pile up over time. This is a bit of GECK's fault, but what I'm getting at is that there should be some effort to establish a list of good practices and good documentation and examples so everyone can have an easier time working on stuff and getting it right.

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What I think would be fantastic, is if the ability to create a character, and use him/her in both D.C. (the Fallout 3 setting) and the New Vegas setting, and somehow give the character the ability to travel to and from either one, by extension being able to do the quests from both locales.


I know it probably won't happen, but I DO think it would be cool.

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Dont hold your breath on the geck who knows when they will release it if they do. FO3's geck too a good while before release so id naturally assume NV will be the same.
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I hope they do another Fallout game in New York, or even better Europe. I would love to see how mankind after the war has transformed the colosseum, or the Duermo (That gigantic domed church in Florence.) or the Sisten chapel into their own needs. Perhaps it would be Political, Cultural, preservative, or maybe they'd be ignored overall.
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Interesting stuff ive found on beth site.


part-1 http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1096751-fallout-new-vegas-fan-interview/


part-2 http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1098302-fallout-new-vegas-fan-interview/


Vid-1 http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/29981


Vid-2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUEwvqERddU


But the most interesting things i saw


"Will the Fallout: New Vegas Version of the GECK ship with the game, or be downloadable on release?

From @The3rdType via Twitter


JS: Yes. In addition to the normal GECK functionality F3 modders have come to expect, the F:NV GECK will allow modification of ammo lists, ammo subtypes, the hardcore "basic needs" rates, and a lot of the other new bits of data we have added. It will also contain the F:NV dialogue editor, which can be used with or without the standard F3 dialogue editor."


"Will the PC retail game be able to be activated via Steam?

From @litrock via Twitter


Jason Bergman, Senior Producer at Bethesda Softworks: Yes. Fallout: New Vegas will fully utilize the Steamworks SDK. This means that retail PC copies will activate via Steam. We are also using Steam for achievements and other features (but not multiplayer, of course. FNV remains a single player only game). "


"For those concerned, this will have no affect on mod development whatsoever. Modders will still be able to create and distribute their plugins the same way they have in the past. "


Well back to the salt mines for me...Got lots to do.

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