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Better player animations and abillites.


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I have noticed that the player movement in fallout 3 reminds me less of modern, hi-tech 100 dollar games than it does of certain Italian plumbers.

This is a list of things that could seriously improve player movement, maybe using FOSE?


These are a little difficult to explain, so here's a list of the general features:



For anyone who doesn't know what this is, it means than when running your head moves up and down slightly, as in real life.



It's always disconcerting to see that when you look down, your head appears to be floating in mid-air with you arms. You should be able to look down and see a bit of torso and your legs.



Instead of floating up and moving forwards a few inches before falling back down, you should be able to crouch slightly, leap, then move forward a couple feet AT THE LEAST.

It would also be nice to see you use your hands to propel yourself over small to medium height obstacles. (as seen in mirror's edge and fear 2)



When reaching out to activate buttons/door/computers, I would prefer to use my hands rather than whatever telekinesis is currently involved. Same goes for grabbing items and opening doors.



When falling from large heights, it seems that there should be a tucking/rolling system similar to the one seen in mirror's edge to minimize damage.






I notice that it doesn't seem to actually shrink your character's height in relation to architecture. Someone should fix that.



When firing at close range, your character should kick, punch, or hit the NPC with the butt of the weapon every once in a while.

Maybe on critical strikes....


These just seem like things everybody(including me) likes that would work well in fallout3.

Any takers? PLEASE?

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Good luck with that, but I wouldn't get my hopes up...


To complete this you would not only need a top level scripter, but also someone who is expereinced with animation. When it comes down to it, those are the rarest of all modders.


This is all under the assumption that it is even possible and that those animations are not hardcoded, which I don't really know.

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Good luck with that, but I wouldn't get my hopes up...


To complete this you would not only need a top level scripter, but also someone who is expereinced with animation. When it comes down to it, those are the rarest of all modders.


This is all under the assumption that it is even possible and that those animations are not hardcoded, which I don't really know.

I think you just scared everyone off....

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For headbob, running and falling, there's already mods that fixes/improve that. You just need to do some searching. As for the crouching, I think that's possible for some of the advance animation modders. For the rest, sorry to disappoint but it's not going to happen.
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For headbob, running and falling, there's already mods that fixes/improve that. You just need to do some searching. As for the crouching, I think that's possible for some of the advance animation modders. For the rest, sorry to disappoint but it's not going to happen.

Please,please,PLEASE provide links. I've been searching non-stop for the past week and couldn't find a thing.

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Alright alright, so sorry. Links:


Speed mod and other goodies:



Better falling physics but no mirror's edge style:



Jump higher and run faster:



Sprint + headbob:



May not be EXACTLY what you want, but give them a try.


As for the headbob ONLY it's AVE (Advance vision effect), I can't seem to find it anymore, I think the author removed it or something. But I still have the file with me. I could upload it for you but I'm not sure if you're allowed to reupload files that the author deleted. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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