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Intelligent horses :)


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I haven't ridden a horse in a good 15 years or so, one thing I remember though is while they are insanely stupid animals they are at least good at one thing, point them onto any form of trail and you can relax knowing they will follow it without supervision :smile:. As a player that never uses fast travel, and really wishes touring carraiges was a lot more compatible with other mods... most characters own a horse anyay so kind of makes touring carraiges silly.. The mod I have in mind would basically use npcs path finding routes, once you are on a road / trail hit a button and sit back as the horse follows it to whatever end it seems is right hehe, would still have to supervise.. should be amazing though ?.. touring horses :smile:


Edit : When I say intelligent I mean it hehe, they would have to avoid other npcs / obsticles, gallop when they get chased by a bear / woles.. normal horse reactions :smile:


Edit2 : For extra realism you could have a cheap unsupervised crappy horse for early players that bolts off in random directions when they see a rabbit / fox, chases deer.. or bucks you off at slightest fright hehe


Edit3 : basically the inherrant mind numbing fear I remember from childhood.. crap like deside to take a horse out and ride bareback, other horses really unhappy about that and end up flying towards barbed wire fence twice the height of any normal just you know horse can do hehe... there is potential for it in skyrim.. get dragons etc hehe, horse should just start sprinting in other direction, have option to stay on it or bail and hope armour is good enough to leave you alive :)

Edited by spookymunky
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actually horses are incredibly intelligent animals... seriously you don't know much about them if you don't know that.


anyways you do realize this mod will have just as many compatibility issues as Touring Carriages right?

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