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adding inventory


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hey so i'm building a small hieout for myself and i want to add some inventory space. if i just add a locker from the list and fill it will that overwrite every other locker in the world like it with the same stuff?


same goes with ammo boxes, how would i add an ammo box with ammo that won't overwrite all the rest of the box's?

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Well all you do is find what you want then double click it to open it, then always first thing change the names, the first name is the one that the game uses, then the other one is the ingame name. I always do that first thing, so I don't forget an overwrite all the items with that id in the game.



Then all you really do is try to practice, using names that will display at either the top of the list or the very bottom. so start the name with ZZZ or AAA , that way you don't have to mess about looking for things, you can find all your content just by typing ZZZ in the filter or AAA, note that's just the name the game engine sees, the in game name I'll write something funny or just what it is.


Say I open LootboxEmpty or something, I'll name it AAALootBox, then the next one AAALootBox2 if needed. If I need to find it on the list I know it's at the top, same for the weapons an stuff, which also keeps them all together.

The ingame name, if you are trying to make a hideout where you are going to store loot, you can name things like pistol case, rifle locker, Junk locker, an such, which is better than having 10 containers all named the same.


The stuff that's put in the "box" by defaut is pretty easy, it's a list to the right when you double click, delete the stuff that's in there, then right click on a empty spot on the list an pick new, then in the tab just below that list, is how you select what is in there, say you want to pick stimpack, just hit S the first letter, with the tab list open it will drop you down to whatever letter you press.


Say I want to add one of every item in the game, after I get the first item put in, I don't right click on the empty part to create new anymore, I'll click on the item I've already got on the list, then click new, which duplicates it, but when you open the tab it's already in that spot, which keeps your place. It's kind of handy that way. Like I added all of calibr's ammo to a box one time, which is like over 30 different kinds, by clicking new on the already created entry on the list my place was saved the whole time, so I just created new an moved down one until I ran out.


The count doesn't refresh or update soon as you put it in, but it will when you create a new entry, so it's not like it doesn't know what the count is, whatever is highlighted in the main list is what the little tab thingy is currently on.



Now that we got that out of the way, how about you write a script that makes the loot box flap open an close making noise an calling me dirty words, or like in wizard of oz when the tree throws the apple, "YOU CAN'T JUST PICK APPLES WHENEVER YOU WANT" CLANK CLANK CLANK FLAP FLAP FLAP

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You don't have to, just don't open them or change anything.


If you drop one in the world, it's the same thing.


Changing the name allows you to put stuff in there, then also name it if it's something that you want to use in order to orgainize loot.



All the run of the mill, loot container defaults are there already set up, there's a whole lot of them too, which most run off a random like loot list.

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