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Saerileth you're a boss as always. what is up with you just having already made the mods for the 'weird' requests? its like you knew they were going to come and just like planned ahead! (I don't mean weird in a bad way. I mean it in the "not a lot of people are going to ask for this" way)

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@qwertyzeldar: No offense taken :D This was actually a personal favour for Gamwich, my texture artist of choice, who is also a huge fan of Maleficent and has started a character inspired by her just like diskoinferno wants to. It's pretty much a coincidence that I happened across this thread, we never though other people would have the exact same idea.


@loraxtimmons: I'm not that much a fan of her myself, especially the design of the headress, so I don't think I'll be making the robe. Besides, I'm very busy with other things. But I can recommend this retexture of the Tribunal Robes mod, or you could try the Queen of the Damned outfit. And then there's the feather coat from Raven Witch Armor.

Edited by Saerileth
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