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Need Help with followers


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I'm not an expert at AI or Dialogue by any means, but I believe that the default Greeting dialogue is based on race. If you have made a custom race you can't rely on any of the defaults; you need to create them all.


There are ways of copying them, but I'm no expert; it would be better for you to check the Wiki about this.


There needs to be a standard "Greeting" topic for each race, otherwise they have no greeting...

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You MUST have a dialog topic "GREETING" for every race. This is semi-hard coded.


"Removed all the default topics" doesn't sound good.


Use Tes4edit to remove all your removals. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536


That should get you back to where you started so that all other NPC's can have greetings too.

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You had better stop bumping this, otherwise it will be locked...



I'm sorry, but I now am not clear what the issue is. It would probably be best to start a new post and clarify the issues you're having, rather than continuing this long thread. I had thought it was resolved...



Have you done what I suggested? Does your race have a default "GREETING"?

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