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Blackadder Quest/ Companion


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Okay, here's what I've written new:


You a teleported to the Mines of Penitence.


Journal: Oh, *censored*! I was this close to getting my greedy hands on a fortune bigger than an elephants *piehole*, and now look what happened! I’ve been kidnapped by some sort of weird monks, who think the Nine are going to judge me. I always knew I was right in avoiding church!


You walk through the mines, at the far end is another monk.

Monk: Sinner! Repent, or suffer!

You: Who, me? Or George here?

Monk: You, sinner! Follow me. You shall stand trial for your sins.


You are led into the Hall of Judgment.


Saint Alessia: Face your doom, sinner.

You: What did I do?

Alessia: Not just you, wretch! Your entire family has committed grave sins! All Blackadders are wicked and impure, and must be cleansed. All of you shall be cast into the Mines of penitence for Eternity!

You: We’re not that bad.

Alessia: Oh? Well, then, serpent tongued harlot of the Daedra, prove this to me. Prove your purity and valor!

You: How?

Alessia: You will be given tasks, tasks your prove your courage, your kindness, your hard working natures, your honesty, your wisdom, and your piety. Should you succeed, you and your bloodline will have found favor with the Nine. Fail…

You: Mine of Penitence time.

Alessia: Precisely.

The following topics appear:


Purity: One of our sheep has strayed from the flock. Nickolas Debrabant was once a noble Paladin, but he has become a vampire most foul. Persuade him to take the cure.


Valor: you must rescue one of our lost priests, Luan DeLaundray, from a Necromancer’s dungeon, a foul place of depravity! These necromancer’s defile nature itself!


Charity: the Beggars of the waterfront benefit from the aid given to them by that old reprobate, the Grey Fox, but they still go hungry. Organize a soup kitchen.



Quest ideas:

Purity: You can do as expected, and get Nick to drink the cure, or you can have Melisande whip up a potion that makes him seem cured, and have him pay you for your silence or owe you a favor. Now both of you are off the Divine’s shitlist.


Valor: You could hack your way in, or you could sneakily steal a robe and hood and pretend to be a representative of a powerful Necromacer named Morath, and ‘take charge of the prisoner,’ as well as some nifty necromantic artifacts.


Charity: The people who could make this happen (the restraunteer who supplies the food, the beurocrat who okays it, the staff) all want you to do something to make it worth their while. You can do their tasks, or threaten them.



Ideas, all?

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Sounds really good ;) so... the nifty necromantic artifacts?

Culd we borrow that absolutely beastly schythe I saw you made, L33?I had it in mind.


And, man, I can't wait to make the Necromancers fort. It's always fun, especially with SI thrown in. L33, do you have shivering isles?


Oh, and Zprospero, do you have the program to merge ESP's,'caue having more thna one person work on the mod at once could prve awkward if we can't merge them.

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Err, I'm not sure about the scythe :S it's for a like single release based on a novel but I'm gonna release it at about the same time as it comes out as a game for the 360. but that means more creativity/fun because then i can create something new that's awesome :D
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@Zprospero: Oh, great!


@L33: Oh, well. Still, something new is even better. Maybe something like Addonay's Elven Sabers', but with a skull motif?


Anyway, still at work, adding jurnal entries and an overview of what ways you can solve the problems.


Zprospero: no trial, tis true, but the debate with the Scholars of Julianos on the temple steps should be neat.

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Here we go: better detail on the quests. Critique away, friends, but I'm off to bed.


Purity: One of our sheep has strayed from the flock. Nickolas Debrabant was once a noble Paladin, but he has become a vampire most foul, dwelling in the depths of Fort Urasek. Persuade him to take the cure that the witch Melisande of Drakelowe offers.

Journal Entry: Apprently the Nine wish me to persuade a Vampire knight to take a cure for his condition. Hmmm. Depending on how smart the witch is, this could be turned to my advantage.

Valor: you must rescue one of our lost priests, Luan DeLaundray, from a Necromancer’s dungeon, a foul place of depravity! These necromancer’s defile nature itself! Hi thee to Fort Velecast!

Journal: Great, Necromancers and priests! Well, fortunately I’m too damn smart to just wade in, swords swinging and getting stabbed in the arse, aren’t I?

Charity: the Beggars of the waterfront benefit from the aid given to them by that old reprobate, the Grey Fox, but they still go hungry. Organize a soup kitchen.

Journal: Soup? Soup? What would mother think if she could see me now? Well, beggars are poor, but rich saps aren’t. Perhaps I can skim a profit off the donations?

Piety: Spread the word of the Nine to the heathen Deadra worshippers!


Journal: Well, this keeps getting better! Now I have to preach to Daedra worshippers. Well, converts give up their earthly possessions, so maybe it’s not a total loss.

Wisdom: The Scholars of Julianos have much to teach. Go to their temple, hear their wisdom and show them yours. Remember the deepest wisdom: HUMILITY!!!

Journal: Just like school, this. Except the fate of my eternal soul didn’t hinge of learning what Marm Miggins had to say about the ABC’s. Well, to the Chapel of Julianos, then!

Honesty: You must confess your sins to the mother confessor of the Temple of the One, Tandilwe.

Journal: Well, no chance of doing anything profitable here. Just tell some of my wicked deeds to that Altmer biddy. Unless…



Quest ideas:

Purity: You can do as expected, and get Nick to drink the cure, or you can have Melisande whip up a potion that makes him seem cured, and have him pay you for your silence or owe you a favor. Now both of you are off the Divine’s shitlist.

Valor: You could hack your way in, or you could sneakily steal a robe and hood and pretend to be a representative of a powerful Necromacer named Morath, and ‘take charge of the prisoner,’ as well as some nifty necromantic artifacts.

Charity: The people who could make this happen (the restraunteer who supplies the food, the beurocrat who okays it, the staff) all want you to do something to make it worth their while. You can do their tasks, or threaten them. You are also offered the chance to cook the books, skimming monies in perpetuity.

Piety: When you convert someone (speechcraft related) you can either tell them to give it all to charity, or offer to take their money and possessions of their hands. You only need try three shrines.

Wisdom: You have to debate the nature of the soul with a few theologians on the steps of the chapel of Julianos (sort of like Jesus and the Rabbi’s on his birthday, but Blackadder-ier.) You can either guess which answers are smart, or steal a book of theology containing the answers from the Primate’s desk.

Honesty: You can either recount an honest account of your sins, such as setting fire to one of you playmates when you were three (you say something short, and Tandilwe echos you in greater detail), or you can tell outrageous whoppers (prefixed by –Lie-), and Tandilwe will repeat you but louder every time, until she has a heart attack and you call for the Healers. If you tell the truth, you have to donate three hundred gold to charity, and collect twenty portions of glowdust for Tandilwe as penance. If she dies of a heart attack, you can loot her corpse.

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The only thing that worries me is that Tandilwe is the

Master Speechcraft trainer, we probably shouldn't kill her. Perhaps,

since she's set to essential anyway, we just let her faint and then say

she 'hits her head' and only recalls minor sins from some other confessor.

And she blesses you and gives you a gift?


(That quest in particular sounds hilarious)

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