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Blackadder Quest/ Companion


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The only thing that worries me is that Tandilwe is the

Master Speechcraft trainer, we probably shouldn't kill her. Perhaps,

since she's set to essential anyway, we just let her faint and then say

she 'hits her head' and only recalls minor sins from some other confessor.

And she blesses you and gives you a gift?


(That quest in particular sounds hilarious)

Actuallu, that's a good idea. I like it!


Maybe we can put outrageous Things in there.


You: Well, there was a goat...


Tandilwe: You rogered a goat while your friends looked on with their trousers down and their bits in their hands!!! Oh, sweet Nine, I'm feeling faint...

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Will we change the title, then? Since there's no trial?

Well, no reason. Blackaddr Takes the Fith is perfect, IMHO. You're still on trial, it's jusy a trial by ordeal rather than a trial by jury. And we really can't waste that good a pun.


Well, here's the Valor quest. Oh, by the way, when Alessia releases you from Aetherius, I've decided she puts an Amulet around you rneck to mark you, called the Amulet of the penitent. Just a new version of Arnora's amulet; it's a plot device.



Journal: :Great, Necromancers and priests! Well, fortunately I’m too damn smart to just wade in, swords swinging and getting stabbed in the arse, aren’t I?


Upon reaching Nornalangua:

Journal: There’s a guard by the entrance; I should find another way in.

The quest arrow leads to a chest, will a powerful bow and arrow and a vial of powerful poison and a chameleon ring (all of which will be removed by a script once the guard is dead.) There’s a Torn Journal Page saying “I can’t get in. The guard is alert, and he’s dangerous. If I kill him before he makes a sound, I can take his robe and infiltrate the necromancer’s, and ice my mark. Perhaps I’ll claim to be from Morath. The bow and arrow will help, as will the poison, but it’s the ring that’ll do it best. Sithis be with me!”


Journal: Well, this assassin is a bright spark, isn’t he? Or, perhaps ‘was.’ Regardless, his loss, my gain. It’s a good plan. Well, good luck to me. And this Sithis fellow (or just Sithis if in DB) be with me!


You kill the guard. Journal: Well, that’s done, Best to take his robe, then.


You do so, put it on, and walk in.


You walk through the ruin, which is fantastically decorated, not just corpses and tapastries but bone claws, and gardens of those Bone trees and Bone plants from SI.

You reach the door to the Sanctum of the Putrid Hand, and are stopped by the Gate Guard.

Guard: Halt. State your purpose.

You: Morath sent me.

Guard: Really? Lord Morath? What’s the password?

You: Precisely.

Guard? What?

You: Tell me the password.

Guard: Why?

You: Inspection.

Guard: I never heard of no inspection? I guess that’s the point, eh, and can’t expect you to know if I know the password if I don’t tell you. ‘s ‘Swordfish.”

You: Well done, guard.

Guard: So what’s the password?

You: Swordfish.

Guard: G’wan in, then.

Journal: Of course! It’s always swordfish.


You enter the Sanctum, which is even more lushly appointed, and speak to High Necromancer Chad.

Chad: Well, hello there!

You: Greetings. I come from Morath.

Chad: Oh, yes. Dear Morry is always sending people to check up on me, it’s awfully sweet, isn’t it?

You: I’ve come for the prisoner.

Chad: Oh, foo. Morry must want him for experiments. He doesn’t want him for anything… else, does he?

You: Of course not.

Chad: Well, good enough. He’s over there in the prison. Be careful, he’s got a temper. Give Morry a kiss for me. Just not to enthusiastic of one.


Journal: Well, he seems nice, for a necromancer. At least now I’ve gotten to our wayward priest.

You open the prison door, and speak to the priest.


Priest: Accursed fiend! Blasphemous revenant!

You: Fabulous interior decorator?

Priest: Perhaps.

You: I’ve come to free you. Follow me.

Priest: liar! Hound of hell! Demon!

You: -show him the Amulet of the Penitent.

Priest: Ah, a penitent sinner. Of course. Well, brother/sister, lead me away from these sinners. Pray return me to Chorrol, my home.


Journal: Well, he’s NOT a nice person, but I suppose I’ve got something out of this. Contacts in the Necromancer’s of the Putrid Hand could be useful.


You lead him to the Chorrol chapel.

Priest: Praise the Nine for your generosity, brother/sister. Bless you. I can give little, but.. here, take this. Nine be with you.

You receive an enchanted version of the Monk of the Nine robe.

Journal: Having been saved from the snazzily dressed Necromancers of the Putrid Hand, the priest has been returned. I’m one contact and one shabby robe richer. Could be worse.

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Ah, good. I was hoping we would keep the title. It is too perfect.

I love the description of the Necromancers.


Here's some preliminary versions for a siggy. Honestly, I don't know.

And I should make it a little bit smaller. The idea is that every picture

I've seen has had Blackadder and Baldrick in it, and since the church

is so involved in these quests, I put them in one. What do you think?





Also, you may notice that Baldrick has a new piece of clothing.


It's a felt hat (Link) that the author was kind

enough to release as a modder's resource.


I thought it looked like the hat he occasionally

wore in season 3. What do you think?

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Ah, good. I was hoping we would keep the title. It is too perfect.

I love the description of the Necromancers.


Here's some preliminary versions for a siggy. Honestly, I don't know.

And I should make it a little bit smaller. The idea is that every picture

I've seen has had Blackadder and Baldrick in it, and since the church

is so involved in these quests, I put them in one. What do you think?



Also, you may notice that Baldrick has a new piece of clothing.


It's a felt hat (Link) that the author was kind

enough to release as a modder's resource.


I thought it looked like the hat he occasionally

wore in season 3. What do you think?


It's perfect! I love it!


Looks so Baldrickian.


As for the signaturee, I love Blackadder's folded arms. He just looks so Addery.

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Great work mate :thumbsup:


Black Adder has my DEMON POSt 6,66 the number of the beast, sacrifice is going on tonight, dan nan dan nan, dan nan dan nan, dan nan dan nan, danananana

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Great work mate :thumbsup:


Black Adder has my DEMON POSt 6,66 the number of the beast, sacrifice is going on tonight, dan nan dan nan, dan nan dan nan, dan nan dan nan, danananana

I'll sacrifice a goat in you rhonor, L33!

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All right, here's the siggy then, in a more manageable size.





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