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Blackadder Quest/ Companion


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Actually, for George, I had a thought that we might have an initial, lawyer, version of

George's clothing and then after he gets 'promoted' by your actions, then he gets a

fancier outfit.

Good idea. What lawyer clothes were you thinking? Something new, or just plain clothing?

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Well, I was thinking vanilla clothing, perhaps the Black & Burgundy outfit for

the lawyer outfit, and the using the more flamboyant SI clothing after his promotion

(Although I may do a retexture just to see what it would look like).


We'll basically have two versions of George, which is good because each will

need separate AI packages, so they'll sleep in the right bed and everything.

After a certain point the lawyer will be disabled and the other version enabled.


Also, for the Accuser, I was thinking that Peryite (this is why I asked about him)

might be unfairly influencing the accounts of the Accuser in order to get disfavorable

judgments so he gets more residents. Then you could get this information from people

in the Cave you mentioned, and perhaps one that has proof. You are then given the

option of exposing him, or keeping your mouth shut (and letting the innocents suffer)

in exchange for some good loot.

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Well, I was thinking vanilla clothing, perhaps the Black & Burgundy outfit for

the lawyer outfit, and the using the more flamboyant SI clothing after his promotion

(Although I may do a retexture just to see what it would look like).


We'll basically have two versions of George, which is good because each will

need separate AI packages, so they'll sleep in the right bed and everything.

After a certain point the lawyer will be disabled and the other version enabled.


Also, for the Accuser, I was thinking that Peryite (this is why I asked about him)

might be unfairly influencing the accounts of the Accuser in order to get disfavorable

judgments so he gets more residents. Then you could get this information from people

in the Cave you mentioned, and perhaps one that has proof. You are then given the

option of exposing him, or keeping your mouth shut (and letting the innocents suffer)

in exchange for some good loot.


Excellant idea. George will look lawyer-y enough in regular getup, although I do look forward to what your experiments turn up.


Anyway, yes, I suppose after you complete all your tasks for Alessia, you're put int he Caves as a holding cell, and one of the miners comes up to you, reveals about the Accuser and his corruption, and you either tell Alessia, or blackmail Percy.

Oh, here's the link to pics of the treasure vault: http://s784.photobucket.com/albums/yy121/Kieranfoy/

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Man, those Blackadder's were very impressive thieves down through the years. Of

course, they probably all had Baldrick do the actual work. Probably what killed some

of the previous ones, eh?


Looks great!



Actually, a lot of it was earned through business, shady or otherwise. Captain Blackadder entered business, eventually securing himself a nice glass mine in Morrowind and a small shipping concern, which netted him enough to invest in exerimental enchantment research.


His son, Constantine, invested more in the magical research department, using his magical knowledge to help, and did a bit of adventuring on the side (Baldrick carried the loot.)


Constantine's son, the player's father, had a small but extremely profitable business in exotic imports, from places like Morrowind, the Shivering Isles, and Bretony.


But, yes, the Baldricks always did the manual labor and the bleeding.

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Here's both versions of George.


As a lawyer he wears a highwayman's shirt (a joke about lawyers)

and you see a hint of his fashion sense as he is wearing:


"The most magnificent pair of trousers ever to issue forth from the delicate hands of

Mssrs. Snibcock and Turkey, Couturiers to the Fabulously Wealthy and the Extremely Fat."


(This is vanilla, and those pants still look VERY similar to the ones in that episode)


As a Noble, he's wearing a pink re-texture of an upper class Mania outfit.



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Hah! Perfect. I luvs it; it just looks so nifty.


I mean, it's just like George, really! The hair is different, sure, but you even got the enormous trousers! How cool can ya get?


do you think it's another Blackadder reference?


I'm working on the necromancer's dungeon, which is looking rather nice if I do say so myself, and have come up with a cunning plan. Another quest Alessia assigns you: the quest of Humility. You have to serve Siuer Flasheart as his squire, helping him clear Fort Redman. While doing so, a powerful Master Vampire comes up to you, and offers to let you leave while he kills Flash (he owes your family a debt). You can do so, and enter cutscene mode and watch Flasheart die, or help Flash kill the Master Vampire.


If you let the vamp kill flash, you get to loot Chrysamere off his corpse. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21796 That's a resource for the blade.


Sound like a plan?

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I don't know if the trousers are a Blackadder reference, but it might

have been in the modeler's head when he was making them.


The idea sounds good. Though we may need to make it

where you go to a little 'observation' platform

to watch them fight, the the vampire leaves

and you can go down and get the sword.


I remember Chrysamere. I think it was one

of the strongest weapons in the game in Morrowind.


Definitely a tempting reward.

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Why? with the platform, I mean? It would actually make it more dificult. You see, you talk to the ancient campire, right? And then you enter cutscne mode and he kills Flash with a single hit, like Alden wosshisface in Cheydinhal. No need for a platform, really.


And, yeah, Chrysamere was a good sword. Flashy and over-powered;just like Flasheart.

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