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Blackadder Quest/ Companion


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I'm afraid I'm not sure which limerick you are insisting upon. (I assume it's with the stuff you've made?)


I was making the upstairs of the club, actually, but I can make the rest too, if you would like.


Perhaps you could write a manifesto for them, like the Mage's Guild Charter?


We should also include the real-life Hellfire Club's motto, possibly in daedric, on something: Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt)

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Okay, yeah, the limerik is located in Sanguine's Sex Sylabary, a book on the stand in the Shrine of Sanguine. It's in the download I linked to.


As for the charter, that's a good idea. I'll work on it.


And, oh, no, I did the downstair; I just got confused. I've put it up and linked to it in my previous post, as always everything's prefixed with 1adder.


As for you, L33... OMG!!! WANT!!!

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Lol thanks i think i got some stuff that needs getting ready for you don't i :P


Well to be quite honest, i think I've told you this before my modelling is purely based on getting the shape of the model right then just fiddling with the UV map to get the textures right after and to be plain honest I'm a lazy texturer but I get the job done :thumbsup: thing is i dont do the unwrap thing i just use Project from view then just touch the sides up if needed ;) then by using a nice way of making good normal maps i let that affect the indents and things :D


OK list:

1.) That Artefact Bone Axe for the necromancer guy :P

2.) That other dagger for the Bal worshipper

3.) The recently shown dagger for :P i dunno

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Okay, the limerick's good. Very impressive overall. I sort of already had a

bar going on upstairs, but I can alter that. Adding Molly was a very nice touch.


The only thing is that Sanguine's shrine is a little too much of a shrine,

don't you think? As it is meant to be a mockery of the Chapels, it works,

but it's humble. Sanguine isn't humble, he's pure decadence.


Of course, if you prefer it the way it is, I'll leave it.


EDIT: Thank you, L33. Yeah, I do about the same thing in my

modeling program, though my normal maps aren't very good,

just whatever I can get out of GIMP's plugin.

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Okay, the limerick's good. Very impressive overall. I sort of already had a

bar going on upstairs, but I can alter that. Adding Molly was a very nice touch.


The only thing is that Sanguine's shrine is a little too much of a shrine,

don't you think? As it is meant to be a mockery of the Chapels, it works,

but it's humble. Sanguine isn't humble, he's pure decadence.


Of course, if you prefer it the way it is, I'll leave it.

Thanks for the compliments.


I was going to make Sanguine's shrine more ostentatious, but I kinda got burned out, Believe me, I shall not object in the slightest if you make it better. I look forward to seeing your work in action.


Speaking of which, this humble one would kill for an updated testing mod when you have a spare moment. No rush, but the new Inquisitor's robes look awesome, and I want to see Chad's robe glitter with mine own eyes.

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I'll send you a new one after I re-texture that banner.


Hmm... I might have something else to re-texture too, in regards to the shrine.


Also, I've been quest building in my testing .esp, so you can even see the annoying

messenger come up to you, and then go talk with George.


I did the dialogue for the messenger already, but I don't like it. It's far too loud as well.

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I guess i should show you, here is my normal map tutorial short method and makes a huge difference in game try it out ;)




Extra Info write this down on a notepad and keep it with the tutorial pics.


Scale of the normal map


Basic Idea:

Weapons and metals 8-10

Rock Crystals - 5 - 7

Skin Cloth - 1-2

Wood silk very smooth soft materials- 1 or even 0 if it is a polished look

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