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Blackadder Quest/ Companion


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All brill ideas, Zprospero. L33, the schythe I remember now, but I thought it was something for another mod only?


Also, Z? I'm certain that members of the Brotherhod spend eternity kneeling at the feet of Sithis, no doubt singing his praises. Worshippers of the Dread Father are out of the jurisdiction of the Nine entirely; they're the children of a deity far, FAR more powerful.

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OK sorry about this been late i was just doing something... but i have managed to get everything done :D


OK, i also got the amulet done i had to do some weight painting but I'm sure it should all be fine ;)


So just upload some of the finished screens when done and Zprospero i'll send you the link shortly :thumbsup:


OK! Zprospero's got the link to the files now just rub our hands together and wait to see the turn out of these baby's :D

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OK, Progress report :D


Weapons by me have been sent of to Zprospero for placing in game and testing.

Kezza, anything else you might want? maybe i can see about that mosaic for the Hellfire club like the one i showed you :D


This mod is making so much progress and drawing near to it's finish that i can almost taste it :D


PS: Zprospero the Dante's Scythe has already got some fans :D i know this is gonna be great... be ready for some Kudos :thumbsup:


On a second thought this mod already has fans... alot of fans :D


(Damned oblivion, i can't find the disk anywhere im such a froob for losing things.)

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A bit of an update.


First off, why not have a REALLY fat git? Like this:


TheTalkieToaster has released an amazing Skeletal Variation resource: Link


It includes stuff to make new skeleton variations too (L33, you might want to look it over)

as well as including fat, thin, hunchback, skeletons with missing limbs, and even ones that

make people walk on the ceiling. I've already got the existing ones working, so this gives

you some unique character options (I can make these work on ANY NPC).


(We could even have a legless Captain Rum if L33 or I can figure it out).


In addition, some of L33's stuff in-game. (I had forgotten to post the images)





A little clipping here, L33.



I love this axe.


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Brialliant! The fat git looks fat, and git-like, too!


The weapons have me drooling, I luvs dem so.


I'm still working on the quests, but school has prevented me from doing all that much, I'm afraid.


I do have one idea, though. The whole 'trials and tasks' thing is great, but to have gotten by on hard work isn't very Blackaddery. So, regardless of what path you choose, Alessia (like Queeny) decides it's not good enough, and you're consigned to the inferno. Wait for it... George, researching your family, pops in at the last minute, declaring that you're not under the jurisdiction of the Nine at all, you or your family.


It turns out your ancestor Captain Blackadder swore his entire family into the servant of Sithis (appropriate, as Sithis' Void is black, and he's caled the Serpent god of enteropy) and thus he and all his kin are no longer under the command of the Nine, since Sithis is far more powerful.


Thus, yiou get off on a technicality.


Also, I'm planning on writing a quest with the Black Monks, too, for which we shall need the genius modding of Zprospero.


Sorry if I don't get back to you lot soon, but my internet is wonky.


Good work, both of you!

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Sounds good, but I believe Alessia would say 'We have an agreement with Sithis' not outright admit a difference in power.


I've made a few changes to Aetherius. It's a little bigger now, and, with your permission Kieran, I would like

to add a moment where an NPC (Virgil) guides you through the Mines down to the lowest level (Where your

Amulet of Penintance is forged. You watch them off somebody to make it for you).


I figured a nice little tour showing you just how much trouble you are in was in order.


And remember, Kieran, with that new resource I can make characters with one arm or

one leg, hunchbacked, freakishly overmuscled, fat, anorexic, or even make it so they walk

on the ceiling. We're going to need all the resources for that to work for just the messenger,

so might as well get some extra use out of them.


For example:


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Wow looks awesome great great progress I've already began the fix on the weapons but wow nice!


How do you do that freakish stuff with the arms? that Orc looks like a Unit XD love to know how you did that :D


Great Progress :thumbsup:

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