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Avatar film protested because of "anti-gay hate-speech"&quot


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If you like the Movie, watch it, if you dont like it, dont watch it...and if this thread is going into a flame war, stop posting, cuz then the flaming stops...thats my advice.


No, this won't turn into a flame war... He's using trolling and flaming as an example. The guy who started it is the troll, and the people

who are fighting over it and in the flame war... Hard to explain.

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That Movie was the most expensive Movie ever...I don't think it was made for some people to protest about it, it was made for people to enjoy it! :thumbsup:


Exactly, well said!

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Omg, here we go again.

Why should every movie have someone gay or black in a movie?! Just because there are no gay people in a movie it means the producers have something against homosexuals. Just because all the cast is white means thei're racists. Let the people who make this movie ALONE! It's their right to put in what they want in that movie. As long as they don't say anything bad about that ethnicity/sexual orientation, I don't consider it racist at all.

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Being bipolar, i belong to a group of minorities myself.

I didn´t see any nutcases in the film (execpt for the ones invading Pandora).

That too is political incorect. They should have let in Rainman as gueststar.

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