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tes4Gecko Questions


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Okay It wont let me combine them... its being stupid...

If someone can somehow combine the cutthroat companions mod and the XRC race compilation it would be greatly greatly appreciated, I want to make some companions out of the races that they made because they are AMAZING... If this is possible it would be very awesome.

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It's not being stupid. Your companion mod simply can't find the race mod it's dependent upon by name, and to which its content points. You can't combine them without a lot of internal editing. It also has nothing to do with making a companion mod, which is a separate thing. I suggest getting some familiarity with how to make companions. There are tutorials around for that purpose.
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It will probably just be easier for you to copy the race from one mod to the next.


Open both at the same time, with they one you want to copy TO being active.


Make a new race, and copy ALL the settings, etc., from the other mod.


You will also probably need to copy the hair, and/or eyes as well. Best to do this first.

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