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Star Cross problem.


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I'm on PC and have all DLCs installed, as well as the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (1.2.0). She just stands in one spot in the Citadel Infirmary, despite her telling me to lead on. Her dialogue is messed - when I tell her to "Wait Here", she says her usual speech, but when I talk to her again, her Dialogue options are still as if she's still following me.


Anyone have any idea what's going on?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reminds me of the sallyfix you have to get to use FOOK2 with Zeta, not the exact same but close, some sally npc gets all wacky without it.


Anyhow, it's not really a DLC issue though, or issue with a mod, maybe.



Try the fix for when the follower accidently gets meatwadded.



Like if your follower gets killed (but not dismembered)


The easy way to do it would be go to where the npc is


press Esc, then press ~ to open the console, then click on the npc, which will Prid that target ID...



Then type into the console












These 4 commands will reset the NPC to before you took them on as a follower though. Which in this case I don't know for sure if it would even be helpful to use this hack. But it will reset them.



Also if it's a issue with a mod then maybe you could search for fixes for issues with certian mods. Like the sallyfix, that wasn't in the read me for FOOK2, but that and more is listed on the FOOKunity site as common issues, which is where I found the link to the download to fix it, which was hosted on some random site out on the net.


What is the load order of the mods you are using?

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