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Forum Idea - New Category: Classifieds (Help Wanted/Looking for Work)

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Introduction: First off, I'll admit that my forum experience is limited to the Skyrim Section of Nexus so if things work differently in the other sections of Nexus, you have my apologies.



The Idea: My idea is that under the "Modding Section" of the forums, a new category/forum (I don't know the technical term) be added that is sort of like the classifieds where people can look for work or be looking for help on their project.



How to Do It: The simple way would be just to add the category, but a more advanced way would be to implement a way to where when someone goes to make a new topic in this section, they can check whether they are looking for help or offering help so that their topic will be marked appropriately.


The advanced way isn't necessary of course, but assuming that it wouldn't sporadically bring the site down, it shouldn't hurt anything if it were something that could be implemented.



Pros/Why Do It?: I think it just helps things on an organizational level. In my opinion there is enough of a difference between wanting help/looking to help topics and other topics to where they don't quite perfectly fit into the existing categories.


Another way to look at it is in some regards worse as they could technically fit into any of the existing categories in some way. The end result is these types of topics being scattered between all three existing categories.


One may even have a valid argument that even the Help Wanted and Looking for Help sections could technically be divided.



Cons/Why Not Do It?: Nexus has been around for quite sometime and has functioned fine without such a section. People simply place their topic in the modding section that they feel most fits.


Given that fact, some may feel it would be extra effort to do something that may not be entirely necessary especially given how late in the game it is so to speak for some mods...


...but I still think, that while the change might be small and if the effort isn't too great, it would be worth it as there must be people who haven't posted either thing because they felt it didn't go anywhere and people whose topic wasn't seen by the person who would have helped because the person who posted and the person who would have helped had different ideas on where such a post should be.



Thank You: To everyone who reads this idea, regardless of your personal stance on this, I thank you for taking the time for reading this idea.

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