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Removing my mod changes my level


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Just when I think I am beginning to understand how all this works, something really weird happens.


I have been tinkering around with making a mod. Its a simple shop, just outside of chorrol. 3 NPCs. Nothing too fancy. Its only dependency is the oblivion esm (shivering isles).


I loaded it into my game a while back, last thing on my load list. It is nowhere near finished but it seemed to work fine. Then I played the game for a while. And noticed some erratic behavior in the NPCs (they keep turning up inside gates I am closing).


So I went back into construction set and made a few changes in their AI Packages to see if that would help. I thought i should start with a clean save, so i deactivated the mod, and went into the game. Immediately I get a pop up saying I've made lvl 6. Which is very strange, I am currently lvl 10 on this save with the shop mod active.


I am sooooo confused. How could deactivating a mod that has nothing to do with lvls at all, do this?


I have tried it several times. mod activated, lvl 10. Mod deactivated, lvl 6. It doesn't change any of my skill levels, but the attributes change alot. some go up, others go down.


I have made some changes to the mods running in my game from when I first activated the shop, the biggest being installing COBL which made some changes to lvling.


This makes no sense to me. There is nothing in the shop mod that should effect my player's lvls.


help. please.

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One of the things you can do is use TES4 Edit to view exactly what your mod has changed; you may be surprised at the things you have edited that you had no idea you touched...





Have you tried keeping your mod active but deactivating COBL? Maybe COBL is actually doing it.

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Thanks for the response.


I installed the tes4edit.


A few things came up, but nothing that looks like it would cause this. There are green highlighted items and yellow highlighted. And most of them, I intended to do (path grid changes).


I am going to try your second suggestion and deactivate COBL and see what happens. I know COBL made some changes to my attributes. But I was lvl 10 before I installed it. and level 10 after I installed it.


Ill post back after I try this experiment.



Edit: Ok maybe im not... I installed cobl as an omod... and when i deactivate it in OBMM i crash to desktop before the logo screen loads...


Is there a better way to deactivate it?

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I dont know if this helps explain what is happening or not.


I deactive COBL and the bash patch, with the shop esp active, and it loads fine. Im lvl 10.


I deactivate COBL, the bash patch and the shop, and I crash to desktop immediately.


so, with COBL and the shop, Im lvl 10. With COBL and no shop, Im lvl 6. With No COBL and no shop, I crash and can't load the game.


IDK this confuses me more than ever.

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That's why I do not like COBL. It is a Master File. Once you start playing with a Master File enabled, they are very difficult, if not impossible to get rid of without starting over again or finding a save before you installed it. They don't warn you about that beforehand with COBL. The concept is good, but the way Oblivion deals with Master Files stinks.


Some mods, like Kvatch Rebuilt, provide an internal way of deactivating them; but I don't think COBL has that.


Anyway, it was just a thought, and may not be the problem in the first place.



Sorry, that was all I had; maybe one of the other guys that knows more than me can help.

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What is your total load list/ What other mods do you have, maybe you've missed out something. Have you tried the same load order/changes with any other characters?

Although maybe unrelated..mods have their own ID. The mod at numbers 6 will be 06. Lets say you have 8 mods. If you remove/deactivate mod number 6. Mod number 7 and 8 will move. As 07 will be 06 and 08 will be 07. In a lot of mods, these first 2 numbers are about everything!! So any old connections are lost in the save if you remove that "6th" mod. Have you tried placing another mod at the spot of the mod that isn't related to this all.

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Im just getting deeper and deeper here, and nothing makes sense.


I can't see anything in the shop that should cause this. And it doesn't make sense that COBL is causing this.


With COBL and the shop both active, Im level 10.


Without COBL but with the shop, Im level 10.


If I deactivate the shop, either with or without COBL, I am level 6.


I went back to saves from way before I made the shop, and I still lose levels if the shop is not activated.


The shop has always been last in my load order.

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getting weirder by the minute.


I have a friend who I sent a copy of the esp to a few weeks ago. the one he has is pretty close to the version I have. I have made a few tweaks to it since then, but nothing major.


He just came online so I had him run a test for me.


He does not have COBL. He can deactivate the shop with no problems.


so confused.

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Well, the shop isn't COBL dependant, or your game would CTD. This could however be caused by COBL's levelling tweaks, installed via the bashed patch. The reason your game was crashing when you deactivated COBL with the Bashed Patch active was because your Bashed Patch will be dependant on COBL - therefore missing master = Instant CTD.

The only thing that could do this in COBL by my understanding would be the levelling tweaks, installed via the bashed patch, but you say without COBL you're level 10 still, so thats unlikely.

Try deactivating COBL and the store, then rebuilding your bashed patch without either, see where that gets you. You might want to make a back up of your bashed patch with one or the other or both before you do it just in case.



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