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Could you survive in The Wasteland?


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  • 6 months later...

Well, if were gunna be serious here, lets be honest , we would be as scared as anything , but if I was going to survive the wastes, I was first to get a good supply of guns, ammo and medical supply's. So the first thing I would do is get myself in some sort of clan or alliance eg. ( Brootherhood of steel , Enclave , Outcast or smaller ones like rileys rangers or regulators) but I would not join the raiders , if I joined the raiders it would mean certain death... Anyway, after spending enough time in one of my clans, I would start thinking about starting up my own clan , building a settlement and what have you... In this clan, I would make sure I had powerfull but peaceful allies. A few decades down the line I would be a wealthy man , I will have brought peace back to DLC to some extent, and I will be able to look back and admire what I have accomplished.... Thank you for your time my fellow modders.


( By the way can you try and help me with my topics, would appretiate thanks in Advance )

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simple answer




because unlike the lone wanderer, I die after the first or second bullet

This is basically the only correct answer


Yep..sadly life is not really a computer game...afaik :)

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I, would start towards Rivet City. I would follow the Potomac river, and would hope to not encounter any Enclave, mirelurks, radiers, and everything else. After I entered Rivet City, I would get a job at the Weatherly Hotel, or at a shop in the market until I had earned a few hundred caps. I would then, buy some better guns and armor in the market, and head out towards Dukovs Place. I would rest for a while there (I would'nt fool around with Cherry or Fantasia, because disease is one more fatal thing in the wasteland) I would grab a few drinks from the Liquor Cabinet, and continue towards Megaton. On the way, I would drop by Gramma Sparkle and have her whip me up something. After I am satisfied there, I would head out towards the Super Duper Mart. Now, that I have better armor and supplies, I would fight off the raiders.


Most likely, I would end up with one shot or two, so in this case, let's say I got hit by a 10mm Sub Machine Gun in the lower left part of my torso. I would grab as many meds as I could before bleeding out, and take some Buffout and stimpacks, and hope that I could make it to Megaton. By the time I reach Megaton, I am bleeding badly. I crawl into the doctors office, and get some surgery.


A week or so later, i'm back on my feet. I speak with Lucas Simms, and agree to tinker with the bomb. I have no clue how to work the damn thing... so. I happen to have a spare frag grenade and mine. I leave Megaton, and play with the weapons, until I am familiar with how they operate. I then proceed to disarm the bomb. After I have aquired my house, I put my gear in the lockers and crash on my bed. Wadsworth comes to greet me, and gives me some water. I wake up the next morning feeling fine, and ready for a full day of work.

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simple answer




because unlike the lone wanderer, I die after the first or second bullet

thats almost too funny i lol'ed for real. but yah i bet i'd die bleeding to death from a graze wound...or a splinter my luck you know. :wallbash:
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you guys keep saying you would get guns first there might no be any lying around they could be in the hand of raider/supermutants etc second DO you even know ho to handle a gun? third how are you gonna know who's the foe and who's the friend last time i remember was when i got to megaton first time ever i killed lucas simms cause i thought he was an enemy and alongside radiation can cause cancer headache brain cancer and more so we wouldn't even survive a day if we didn't have clean food water and clean clothing and we could be miles away from a vault then we cant walk all the time and have to camp knowing that if i sleep a raider or dog or anything could kill me in my sleep now if you know what life is in the wasteland AND have been trained handle every problem then yes you would survive but only for a week tough luck the game is Not something possible every thing will die out side and the only hope of survival is in a vault or a deep cave or sewer or something and we can only survive in a sewer maybe 4 or 3 days last hope is in a vault. :(
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Yes. Yes, I would survive in the wasteland. Slaves survive, don't they?


[...] I am bleeding badly. I crawl into the doctors office, and get some surgery.


A week or so later, i'm dead from lead posioning and other nasty infections.



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