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Could you survive in The Wasteland?


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I'd find me a vault and make base camp.. set me up a couple turret guns up above the vault door along with a few well placed security cams and sensor friendly land mines..first goal for survival in unknown territory is a secure perimeter,so with the mines and turrets planted down the cave leading to my vault.. i'd be comfortable with the perimeter. 2nd rule of survival is logistics. You wanna breathe, you gotta eat. Scavenging the waste in real life would be way more dangerous as someone already mentioned.. we can't take as many bullets as the game can. I'd stick to local hunting not to far out of my perimeter. Molerat meat and if i am near the water i'll hunt mirelurks. Keep me a decent supply of frozen meat. As for the water..The homeless guys sitting on their ass outside megaton and rivet seem to be picky for purified water only. in real life..drinking radiated water chronically would eventually kill you..so i'd spend less lime in the waste looking for rare purified water and more time fixing the purifier in my vault.


When i have the basics for survival set,i'd sneak into raider camps when they are away I'd only do this to restock on ammunition and armor..which would happen rarely since another rule of survival is stealth..and walking in and out of the vault everyday would be a sure way of compromising your situation.

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Well, I'd mark the sniper shack on my map and travel to Megaton cautiously and live there for awhile and then eventually pay for a few mercenaries to escort me to the closest vault with a water purifier machine. Try to fix it and then theres my water, after that pay some of the megaton settlers that are good with building stuff to help me build a sizable fence around that sniper shack and be defendedable. Establish trade with all caravans, my trade would be pure non radiated water in exchange for caps or whatever they have (Im sure they would like some fresh water for a change). Save up enough caps to buy better equipment, hire another group to escort me to Rivet City and show them my purifier and then fix the nuke at megaton but still active. BRING it to Tenpenny Tower and well...haven't thought that far yet :)
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erm how do you guys build a water deiradiator? even dad needs a geck to do so in the end and hes a fricking lunatic super scientist...


vault as a base?


no sunlight = no vitamin D production without fluorescent lamps

only one entrance = very very bad if the perimeter ever gets breached



how? where?


and yes its blooody dangerous irl lol... not that a stimpack would actually heal a broken leg or sleeping a night would mysteriously heal you


id get myself an accurate rifle and start stalking raiders and other evil looking jerks until i have scavanged enough stuff to make my way to rivet city where id just leave the wastes for COMM together with the gals from dukov, maybe even taking him with me, he seems like a descent fella :P

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No sunlight in a radiated wasteland is a good thing. Sides, I'd have to make frequent trips for hunting so i'd get what i needed with that.


As for the water deradiator, Good ole dads idea was to cure the wasteland of radiation,his intent was never even driven towards a vault purifier..that's why the ole man died..To make you happy though..Lets say the purifier thing doesn't work out..I'd have to trek my way on over to V101 and claim estate..kicking everyone else out with my shotty,anyone who puts up a fight with a police nightstick? i turn into tommorow nights dinner (-karma)


Also,your only looking at a perimeter breach from one point of view. Yes.. one entrance and one exit is bad.. but who is it bad for? The guy who set up the mines and turrets? or the guy who doesn't know about the mine and turrets? Sides.. the vault door itself ways a few tons.. if anyone got past the mines i'd like to see them knock the door down..also the way i'd have the turrets placed would be long range staring down the cave..anyone the turret doesn't recognize..(someone without my heat signature) is gonna have a bad evening. As for how i'd equip these bad boys to a wall mount? my guess would be some really nice screws and a hefty hammer..

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and what if they just blow the entrance and make their way through the rocks? :P

101s roof didnt seem that impressive...

(leaving aside the supply question, turrets need ammo and repairs, not speaking of the turrets themselves... some geeky traps like the shotgunthing might be easier to create probably but not as effective obviously)


hijacking 101 sounds like a plan *nodnod*


i agree that the defense of such a narrow tunnel might be relatively easy but a horde of zombies will prolly give a damn and some raiders with enough time will eventuall dig through your roof if they intent to, hence better stay stealthy ;)


but another question is if its actually a good idea to venture in any of these vaults, would you really? you know nothing bout whats inside and close quarter combat inside such a complex is probably extremly nasty for one person alone... like every zombie or fantasy movie in history told us its never clever to go into a cave if zombies/undead are real :D


oasis, COMM, agathas house or maybe even rivet city id suggest as a home, arefu aint that bad either


mmmh, a good idea might be to walk to oasis and finally spread some plantlife... this will clean the air, earth and water over time by itself


at least i know how to build me a working clarification plant... doesnt clean radiation tho :(


but i guess id just leave DC completely... i mean whats there that holds you in that wasteland? the whole world awaits and who knows what paradise awaits on the other side?


might be a plan to join the brotherhood or outcasts and gain some ranks so one can lead an expeditionary force somewhere nice

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All this talk of living in the vaults does ignore the Enclave element, which is quite an important thing to consider. Any serious water-purification efforts would also be noticed by the Enclave, and that would spell trouble.


As for stimpaks not being very realistic, well duh. The *whole game* is not very realistic. Do you really think only 10 or so people would really be living in Megaton? Or that the mall in DC is only about 100 feet long? That's a game play compromise (so you don't have to spend 100 boring hours getting to the fun parts).


In a realistic world, it wouldn't be so easy for you to track down foes or get shot at so easily. The dangers are greatly exaggerated for game play purposes, as well. Especially if you consider that you live in a world where "RadAway" exists, it becomes obviously more like a trip through Disneyland than a trek across the Sahara. Who's to say that a stimpak can't fix your broken bones?

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Stuff having to survive in that hell-hole i think, after the initial WTF factor has worn off i stock up on supply's from the shack and set to finding out what brought me to the capitol wasteland in the first place. my first course of action would be to make my way down to megaton by whatever means possible without getting myself killed in the meantime. once down there i would go to Moria browns place and get the Armored vault suit off her one way or another (my character didn't take it in game). i would then break in to my characters house and wait. once my character is home i shall enlist his/her (depends what play through i am in) help in finding a way back (shall use my characters good karma to my advantage). once i show him/her where i appeared we will then make our way to rivet city, he/she will ask Dr.Li and her science team to go up to the Sniper shack to diagnose and correct whatever pulled me into the fallout universe. once the cause has been discovered (Trans-dimensional rip caused by build up of ion particles and radiation fallout in area causing our universes to briefly meet and exchange physical matter which is me) they rig up a machine to cause the effect to occur again. after falling through a trans dimensional wormhole for several minutes i wake up on long green grass "long green grass" i think to myself "this defiantly ain't mackay" i glance across and see the imperial city in the distance, once again the WTF factor kicks in and i start yelling and muttering incoherently in frustration, this immediately attracts the attention of a troll and i get chased all the way to cheydinhal. the city guards kill the bear and i get into cheydinhal. after planning and thinking and realizing the chance of me getting out of this one is slim i hook up with a good looking mystic elf chick and we live out the rest of our lives killing black bow bandits for cash. and all this is possible through Caps and my skill with a sword (but i severely suck with a bow and arrow).


"And thats how i survived the capitol wasteland", "now kids what story do you want to hear next?" "oh tell us the one about how you survived that starship full of infected alien people who you could only kill by chopping off their limbs" say my children. "ah yes the starship Ishimura" i say before pulling out another book and continue reading.



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i dunno why i didn't think of this before but.. all of our problems are solved..if you ever find yourself in the middle of a wasteland...quickly open up the console and type /TGM..


I used that same command to survive many years in the service.

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