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Knights of the nine problem


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I am having a serious problem with the beginning of the kngihts of the nine questline. I have gotten the quest to find the wayshrines and everything from The Prophet but when I pray at a wayshrine I get no quest update? I have not tried praying at all of them and seeing if it still completes it because I didnt want to waste all that time. I have disabled all of my mods and tried it also and still nothing. I have also tried it on many characters up until now I just ignored it because it wasnt to important but I would like to actually do it now and im screwed.
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Not sure I followed all that, but there are more than one Wayshrine of each God. You probably visited one that you did before.


Lots of things conflict with KOTN; make sure it is last or near the end of your load order.


I don't think this is one you can skip ahead with SetStage because it uses variables to trigger what comes next.


Take the time to visit each Wayshrine. It is supposed to be a pilgramige anyway...

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