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Editing master lists and switching out plugins


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So, the situation is that I have a bunch of mods I made and I want to merge them all together into one .esp. That's not a problem in itself, but I also have a bunch of compatibility patches for SkyRe, Requiem and the likes for all of those mods that I also want to merge. So the issue is that I want the merged compatibility patch to point towards the new single .esp instead of the old separate ones.


First, I'd like to know how I'm even supposed to make such an edit to the master list manually since I've never done that before. Is it possible in Tes5Edit or Wrye Bash? Second I'm a bit wary of how switching out the .esps will affect the existing records that rely on the old .esps... will it work just fine or might there be complications?

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You can edit the list of required masters in the CK but if not done right can lead to crashes and other problems. Instead it would be better to edit it in TES5Edit.


Load the plugin you wish to edit in the masters of in TES5Edit. All the master files will load with it. After loading is finished open up the plugin you want to edit, open the File Header record. On the right side locate the master file you wish to remove. Right click on the line above it and choose Remove (when highlighted the left hand column which lists what the entries are called should be "Master File".


Next is the tricky part. Because the new removed master is still loaded the records will be off. You need to exit TES5Edit and save the plugin with this change. Then reopen it. Now you go through each record of the plugin and correct any and all of the references so that they point to where they are supposed to.


As for how it will work, it all depends on what is going on. If the changes were done on stock records and you are replicating those changes in a merged plugin, it should continue to work. However, if the changes are pointing to records from the master file and that file is no longer present, then it will have issues and very well possible crash the game.


In essence the simpler the mod, the less likely the chance of there being problems. If the mod contains scripts, I would avoid trying to merge it. Scripts can get quite complicated with their connections and not all may be accounted for thus leaving you with a broken mod.


You may be better off by including the compatibility patches in with the associated merged mods. After all if you are putting Mod A with Mod B and Mod C makes them both work together, it makes no sense to leave Mod C alone because in order to merge A with B you'll most likely need to recreate mods of C.



Now take that all with a grain of salt. I'm no expert in TES5Edit, but I did learn the hard way about removing a master file from a plugin and finding the records screwed up because the no-longer master file was still loaded and throwing off the load order count.

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Sounds to me that I may as well recreate the patch for the merged .esp from scratch then. Mainly it's a bunch of magic effects and a couple of items like rings and necklaces that need to be changed, but they refer to custom sound descriptors which are new records and I guess that's where things will get problematic.


I already had a strange occurence after updating some of my mods where some new sound descriptors assigned as alternates to vanilla ones could no longer be found. I had my suspicion that the new ones might have been changed somehow once I added the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs to the master lists, so I guess that was it?

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