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preserving meat Refridegeraion

Jacob Black

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Have You ever seen your meat lying around and thought about it and said if this was for real that would rott and wanted a refriderater? Now I know this may go aganst lore but hey There are mods outhere for bathing, and modern bathrooms, Why not Modern Kitchens? can someone Mod me some Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances (refridgerater, Stove, Mirowave, Kitchen sink, dishwasher) that are all functional and can be used by the player


Is This possible I may need it for my cabin

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I don't think it would be that hard. Once you get the model done, just cover it with some textures and you are set. I'm not sure about animation, that's more complicated, but you someone could make it so that you can activate it and have the option to put your meat in or take it out.
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Is it for the aesthetic factor or is it for functionallity? I mean, if you want a modern kitchen then go ahead with this but if you're planning some way to preserve/cook food I'd go with some believable method, like using fires to cook, and blocks of ice and tons of salt to preserve it, but hey a microwave stuff with a working digital clock would be amazing too! Well, maybe the clock would be hard, but only that it plays the sound would be great :D
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reason being that i said that i want it for the house that i am building is cause it is basically a hunting/ camping cabin in the external worldspace (meaning that the intioror and exterior are one) oh and regarding my project where can i down load tes Geko? Ps You are going to be amazed by my cabin i aready have a world space for the my tlittle tribal town {do you think that i should include totem poles?}
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