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The Chronicles Of Cyrodiil


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I had such a great time playing Oblivion yesterday, i had to share this story.


My young Dark Elf spellsword, Vederas, came to Cyrodil enchanted by the tales of glory from the Imperial City Arena. Despite his youthful passion and bravado landing him in a jail cell just a day after his arrival in the great city, and a timely and tragic encounter with the Emperor at his death, nothing could deter him from his bloody and glorious vocation. Upon his initiation in the Arena Bloodworks, Vederas steadily climbed the arena ranks, drunk on the exaltation of the crowd and the transcendent rush of the fight. In his free time he would walk the streets of the city in expensive clothes and new armor, and would often hone his talents by exploring ancient ruins or by doing good deeds for the people (which even he would have to admit was in the interests of building his fanbase and reputation). Under the proud gaze of the Arena Blademaster, Vederas was made Gladiator. Then it all went wrong.


In awe of the Arenas reigning champion, the Orc known as the 'Grey Prince', Vederas eagerly took on an errand for the battle-scarred hero which took him to the depths of an abandoned fort out in the wilds of the Gold Coast. While down there he fought a vicious band of creatures, one of whom bit him during a swordfight. During the long journey home he began to feel unwell but put it down to exhaustion. He felt at a loss, though, to explain the haunting images that plagued his dreams. He finally arrived at the Arena Bloodworks one night and wearily reported to the 'Grey Prince' then collapsed into his bunk. He slept feverishly and deliriously until he came awake screaming in terror and rage at the malevolent shadows that stalked his mind. Staring at his reflection he felt unable to accept his transformation or to deny his increased strength and vigour. Defiantly he begged to be allowed to fight in the arena that same day and the blademaster, perturbed by his young proteges' gaunt and wizened appearance, reluctantly agreed.


Vederas could barely parry his opponents blows while his skin burned under the suns' hateful blaze. Narrowly victorious, Vederas pulled his cracked and smoking body back into the welcome gloom of the bloodworks and knew what he must do. That night he left his beloved arena and the city that he had come to call home and began the quest for his salvation.


What followed for me was a superb three or four hours as I guided my fallen warrior all over the land in his quest for the cure for his vampirism. This is my second character and this time the game really came alive for me as i let my characters story dictate the way I played the game instead of my gaming habits. Particularly, it was my time spent in the creepy eastern wilds searching for a rare flower and an ancient vampire coterie that really brought the ambition and execution of Bethesda's Oblivion into focus. As i navigated the vines and creepers of the jungle at night, the light from my illusion spell throwing the sunken lines of my characters once handsome face into ugly relief, with only his faithful horse as company, i actually felt a sense of the characters loss and isolation, and a determination to restore him back to his place among civilisation. This has NEVER happened to me before in years and years of gaming, and for that, Bethesda, I salute you!


With an emotional reunion with his master and friends in the bloodworks, Vederas, newly restored in all his youth and natural power, stepped out into the Arena to the welcoming roar of delight from his audience, drew his sword and smiled. He was home.


...and then I happily collapsed into bed. :blush:


Anyone else with any inspired tales?

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