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Magic/potions - useful vs. useless


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I think you can only use one at a time. When I am an advanced alchemist, I like to make potions with 2 to 4 strong effects. I make a lot of damage health + fire damage potions. Some of them are as powerful as using two or three potions at once.
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Thanks, all! Everyone is being most helpful to the new guy - ooooh, wait, I'm now a "rookie". :)


One last (maybe) question on potions.


I know I can drink 3 or 4 at once, but can you use 3 poisons stacked on the weopon or do you have to use them one at a time?


You can use only one poison at a time stacked on a weapon...

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Two words: Damage Attribute.

With a few of these poisons, you can cut down your enemy's effectiveness by a good chunk, all before they strike you (provided you are Sneaky or using an Invisibility potion to line up that shot). Damage Intelligence drops the magicka pool that a mage has to draw from, damage Strength leaves enemies barely able to swing their weapons (damage it enough, and they become over-encumbered, and you can pick them off at your leisure), damage Speed leaves your enemy slow in coming after you. Even if you don't make them, use any poisons you find to give you that extra edge in battle.

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