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Help for Requiem For The Capital Wasteland


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Hi, Ive been trying to get this mod going for days. I believe I have figured out the problem but I cant seem to fix it. on the instructions it says the load order should be Fallout3 THEN FalloutNV but on the mod manager I have It wont let me change it so Fallout3 is at the top. Also with the 'Extract the following BSAs you just copied into the Data folder, using FOMM ,into theFallout New Vegas Data Folder' does that mean zip them then install them into the FOMM and activate them?


Any help would be infinitely appreciated. Thanks

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If you cannot change the load order with your mod manager, I suggest you download and install FOMM and use that. In FOMM, under the "Tools" tab is a BSA unpacker. You would extract the content of the BSA to the Fallout New Vegas Data folder. BSA=Bethesda Softworks Archive. There is nothing to activate in any mod manager, it is a data file not an .esm or .esp.

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Ok I have downloaded FOMM (didnt realise it was a different programme)...still doesnt work. really lost on what to do

I also have moved Fallout3 to the top of the list and still crashes on startup

Edited by norton159
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