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Ok so, I'm sure at some point there was a post like this, but here goes anyway. A video on youtube got me thinking I might be able to load items added via mod from my pc to my 360 save. But instead it said "This save has content not installed on blah blah Some content may not be available." which I had feared. But what if it were installable? Like a dlc disc or however things are installed on a 360 hard drive? How great would that be lol. Unfortunately, I'm fairly new to modding and infantile at programming so I'd be pretty helpless. Modders are freakin awesome for what they do, and if anyone is willing to take this on, that is, create some inconcievable program that can take an .iso or something and install it as skyrim content on a 360, I'd contribute in any way I can and be immensely appreciative. I can barely imagine a hero like that lol. Someone please prove to be awesome lol

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Ok so, I'm sure at some point there was a post like this, but here goes anyway. A video on youtube got me thinking I might be able to load items added via mod from my pc to my 360 save. But instead it said "This save has content not installed on blah blah Some content may not be available." which I had feared. But what if it were installable? Like a dlc disc or however things are installed on a 360 hard drive? How great would that be lol. Unfortunately, I'm fairly new to modding and infantile at programming so I'd be pretty helpless. Modders are freakin awesome for what they do, and if anyone is willing to take this on, that is, create some inconcievable program that can take an .iso or something and install it as skyrim content on a 360, I'd contribute in any way I can and be immensely appreciative. I can barely imagine a hero like that lol. Someone please prove to be awesome lol

This will give you all the information you will need: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/


Also, read the Terms of Service, the ones to which you agreed when you made an account here. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

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