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Things that might make next TES game more exciting


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the only problem i would have with TES being an online game is being able to mod it. They would have to make some sort of thing that would allow you to mod for singleplayer, but not change the Online portion. If the next TES can't be modded, it might ruin it for me...


Maybe 2 data folders would do it. An "online" one that can't be edited, and then a regular one like oblivion has that you can mod.

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The only reason the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind and Oblivion for me) are good is because they are moddable and the mods really saved them from being shelved for a loooooong time with my other old games. Making TES V online wouldn't be something I hope :( Hey, vanilla Oblivion wasn't really THAT good. I wouldn't worry about TES V becoming MMORPG if BETHESDA did an impressive work on Oblivion, but they didn't..
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哈喽,everybody, hello ,i am a foreigner, i like TES very much , in china ,there may be 100,000 people play it... most of chinese young boy and girl ,they like to play online game.. so , TES is not very popular in china , because,, in 2006, most chinese ,there computer is not good , they cant play TES 4 smoothly, so , many people give up .. now ,2010, most people have good computer , i think there must be more and more people like it when tes5 come to us..


Welcome to the fun Lijie, glad that now peoples from mainland China are able to enjoy this wonderful game. I also hope seeing more of Chinese modder contribution in the future. :wink:


I really don't think that TES V should have an online multiplayer feature. Being an MMORPG meant that the graphics shouldn't be too demanding for most PC out there, while one thing that I always look forward into in TES games is the graphic presentation. However, when I remember about what they did to Demon Souls for PS3, perhaps it isn't such a bad idea afterall.


Still, they should make a different TES game for an MMORPG.

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  • 2 weeks later...
man I hope they don't use games for windows with the next tes game. That was a disaster for fallout. I think they'll make an online one then do a real tes game later. The mmo is the cash cow of the pc gaming industry and bethesda is late to jump on the band wagon. I hope that bethesda will support the modding community in their real tes 5 game when they release it and not be like Creative Assembly and treat their community with only what could be described as contempt like what they're doing with empire total war. I have faith in bethesda but no faith in market trends and bethesda is still a company and a slave to the gears of the financial markets.
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I think the main problem if TES V went online would be mods, if you went into someones world and they say had a bridge where you didnt in your game you would fall through the world, not to mention the horrible things that happen when two uncomopatible texture mods try to merge. If it just took everyones game back to a clean master file then people would probably end up losing their most treasured weapons and armour (and who wants to lose their beloved +2 mace of awsome/ any other great weapon mod).

Finally in games like world of warcraft or star wars glaxies a bad experience with other players can put you off even the things you can accomplish on your own and no amount of ignore lists and spam filters will be able to change that.


So all in all i feel that as well as being a technical nightmare, Multiplayer in TES V would ultimatley ruin the experience of it being your world.


Peace out.

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Multiplayer in TES V would ultimatley ruin the experience of it being your world


Peace out.


That! Well said. +1



Mayby those that are new to TES games, won't notice this as much as the rest of us, but not beeing able to have the freedom we had will ruin everything, at least for me.

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Multiplayer in TES V would ultimatley ruin the experience of it being your world


Peace out.


That! Well said. +1



Mayby those that are new to TES games, won't notice this as much as the rest of us, but not beeing able to have the freedom we had will ruin everything, at least for me.


Yes, Pushkatu is absolutely right! :thumbsup:

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Stepping away from the MMORPG idea (Its a bad one. No freedom, no mods, better to just make a separate game maybe set in the same worldspace / timeline, and perhaps have things importable from the MMO world to the offline one, should you choose to do so) things that Beth should introduce for TES V-


1 - More variation in combat styles: achieved to a certain extent by fabulous modders like Skycaptain (Deadly Reflex) and Hex_Off (Unnecessary Violence), but obviously still limited by the vanilla engine, certain things just are not possible. A stealth character who mainly relies on bows, for example, relies outright on blade or magic abilities once discovered. Not good, as overtime that char becomes more of a fighter/mage than a sneaky so-and-so. Basically, jack of all trades is the way to go, and that's fundamentally flawed as we don't all always want to do that, yet even in vanilla, the game becomes impossible without. However, one suggestion I saw somewhere was capping non-major skills. Again, flawed, as you are then dramatically limiting the effectiveness of characters who maybe don't want to be an outright mage or warrior type.

2 - No micromanaging skill sets. Again, repaired by modders to a vast extent, but honestly, we should never have had the temptation, much less the need (and it is needed for the end game) to be plotting exactly how many skill increases we can get away with (unlimited on minor skills in vanilla) before we level, instead looking to advance ourselves and level to increase character abilities, not prevent ourselves from leveling to do so. The Vanilla system was way too open to exploitation, in fact it encouraged it, and thereby drained enjoyment of the game to those players who just want to sit down and play.

3 - More customizable houses. I mean, come on... you buy a house for a reasonable ten grand, then if you want anything in it you have to spend another 6 - 7k decking out, fair enough. If you buy a house IRL, it'll likely cost you to furnish it, but to have to spend that money and have no choice at all (without using the console to destroy/import things, which is after all, still a cheat) what the end product looks like. wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong. Repaired by mods to a certain extent, such as Imperial Furniture, but this is a ROLE PLAY game. It shouldn't need mods and console cheats to fix something that minor.

4 - More variable, viable quest rewards. "Oh geez... you collected those fish scales for me. Here. Have a ring that'll let you breath underwater forever" "Erm... dude... wtf... did you not notice the scales and tail? Sheesh. Next time I'll let you suffer" ... Awarding an Argonian the 'Ring of the Rumare' is a very very minor example of this. Tie this into point 3... why not a nice, big, wall mounted slaughterfish on a plaque? Why not a dagger made of its spines & Teeth... you get the point. Very boring, 9 out of 10 times very useless, quest rewards, made playing the vanilla games quests kinda an excercise in shooting ones self in the foot... I'm quite sure they could have come up with better rewards, or at least more instances where you had a choice in the rewards.

5 - Character Voices. Please god, no. Just no. 2 actors representing EVERY character of EVERY race (one male, one female). With only 1 or two minor exceptions. If someone says something to my characters as they pass, I don't want to know who said it, or at least the race of the person that said it, by instinct. (with obvious exceptions - Kahjit and Argonian voices would clearly be very different to those of the more humanoid races) Nor do I want to be stood in a town listening to the local gossips and it sound like its just one guy/gal talking to themselves. Its just wrong and its quite severely immersion killing in a role play game.


That's about it for now, but I'm quite sure I'll be back when something else annoys me as I'm causing havoc on my Tamreilic Travels.



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