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Everything posted by grelf

  1. In response to post #24570729. I see what you mean. People use each other's work and give credit where it's due, which works great and generates high-quality content. Now when money comes into play, things get complicated.
  2. In response to post #24569029. #24569109 is also a reply to the same post. I really miss it when game developing had at least a portion of passion involved. Nowadays it seems like everything is about publishers and their newest scheme to milk money from gamers.
  3. In response to post #24567939. #24568149, #24568224, #24568229, #24568289, #24568664, #24568749, #24568784, #24568864, #24568989, #24569094, #24569179 are all replies on the same post. @Keinichn It's fairly clear that they didn't think much about the possible problems with this system, which are countless. I guess that the prospects of leeching money from the workshop blinded Valve to that.
  4. Valve lately has been mostly about leeching from other people's work, apparently.
  5. Well, there are some revealing clothing mods, it seems. If you want a more effeminate male character you can always just download female animations too. :p
  6. Sometimes I get the impression I'm the only one who plays male characters. Anyways, is there a hair mod that looks anything like this? I know there is a "cropped" hairstyle in-game, but well, it really sucks. http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx202/NoAngel89/GWshotC.png All I can find is either female or those gigantic creepy hairstyles. I'm not really fond of anime-like hairstyles, I just want something simple as that.
  7. Well, perhaps, but consider, back in the Medieval Ages in real life, were there many Arabs, Asians, Indians and Black people in Europe at the time? I didn't think so. There is a reason, most of Tamriel is European-influenced, so U won't see Asians, Arabs or Indians. There were a few black people in Europe in the Medieval Ages, so that's why there r Redguards. Trust me, it's not racist Spain had the Moors. As for whatever humans lived in Akavir, I'd imagine they'd have looked Asian. Well, Moors were mostly Berbers. There were in fact Mongols/other Asiatic peoples in Eastern Europe and in the late middle ages Turks in the Balkans region, but I guess that the game focuses mostly on western European culture though. And Khajiiti already represent the Arabic culture somewhat, even if they aren't human. I hardly think the game is "racist" somewhat because of this. Seriously, just because some TV show doesn't have a black person in its cast it's racist? I think people have much distorted the meaning of "racism" nowadays...
  8. I'm pretty sure that you can add the fade form morphing talents to your quickbar slots through console commands. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console#Fade_Forms Haven't tried myself, but it should work, in theory. Leave your first slot on the quickbar empty, that's where the talent is most likely to show up once you do its console command. Save your game (not to mess it up, just in case) and try these commands with a character selected: runscript addtalent 100080 (Golem) runscript addtalent 100081 (Mouse) runscript addtalent 100083 (Burning) runscript addtalent 100084 (Spirit) Edit: I just tested it, and it works fine. I had dog transform into a mouse. :] If it's possible through console commands it shouldn't be too hard to have a mod do the job for you.
  9. It's just impossible to stop pirates, there is always a way to get through whatever protections are thrown at them. Companies want to break our right to privacy for the sake of their profit. Not surprising, really, Ubisoft and the people who actually get to pay for their games will be the ones to lose something with such measures, for pirates will get improved versions of their games, ones that work with no expiration date and regardless of being or not online.
  10. Well, don't push yourself too hard on it. I share the same feelings as you do, I am rather tired of seeing too much erotic content and little content that actually makes sense for a medieval fantasy game. I don't think we can blame specific mod creators for that, however, there is just a quite large audience for this kind of mod around here, or so it seems. It's just the way you protested that perhaps wasn't the best one.
  11. Define "This kind..." :unsure: Hmm, I am sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean. For "This" I meant the "Freedom of Movement" video included on the original post of the thread. And I did not intend to use "kind" with any implicit meaning, for it came from the adverb "kind of" (same as kinda, sort of, etc). Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say?
  12. This kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and yes, it would be awesome in TES V. Also Athletics/Acrobatics could be much more useful with this, there are a lot of possibilities.
  13. Indeed. MMORPGs are for a different audience. If they do this they'd be backstabbing most of us, since not everyone here is into MMORPGs, and I believe that there is still so much that could be done for a single player TES V.
  14. Mostly immersion mods as well. Sometimes some clothing/armour mods, definitely not those freaky anime-styled clothes, nor those erotic stuff. Really, I don't get why people invest so much time on creating those mods, when mods that add clothes that blend well in the game are actually lacking. Also, I don't get why a female warrior would wear one of those armours that leave most of her body exposed, and thus unprotected. I mean, what's the point other than showing off? No one would really wear something like that to fight bandits, creatures and such.
  15. You should try Polygamey by xatmos. It does exactly what you described, they will act as if they are the only ones you're interested in. Although last time I checked it doesn't stop Leliana from getting mad at you for trying to bed some NPCs. I'm not sure if there is a better mod for this purpose out there, it's been a while since I last browsed the DA Nexus. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=259
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