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Things that might make next TES game more exciting


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This kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and yes, it would be awesome in TES V. Also Athletics/Acrobatics could be much more useful with this, there are a lot of possibilities.


Define "This kind..." :unsure:

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I agree with you wholeheartedly Jenrai, some of the quest rewards seem either pointless or unrelated from the actual quest. As you said with the house customisation it would be great for you to display your trophies/ quest rewards there (fable style) and is much better than dropping stuff you picked up after they werent needed (e.g rose of Sithis) and trying desperatley using a combination of the grab button and telekenisis spells to make it all stay on there, making it look like less of a showpeice and more like a bundle of crap you dont need anymore dropped on the table.


It would even be good to have some quests where the rewards are purely cosmetic, like "help that minotaur is killing my sheep go kill it". As well as maybe a sum of gold you woud be able to maybe display his head/horn/ severed genetalia on the wall of your home. This would also make it easier to judge your general fame and not looking at a number in the part of the menu that no one uses.


well maybe thats just my opinion..

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I interviewed Howard and some of the others both during the development of Morrowind, and Oblivion. Both times, they spoke of trying to create guilds (and factions, in Morrowind) that interacted with one another independent of the player character, so that random developments might cause increases or losses that could lead to losses/increases in prestige, coverage, etc, for one group or another. That was their El Dorado, at least for a while, and I know it would have been hell to implement. It never occurred. You can see where I'm going with this: I'd love to see it in ES5. I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen, however, since ES4 is significantly dumbed down in some respects over ES3. This would add a level of new complexity--and I think they want to avoid that, these days.
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This kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and yes, it would be awesome in TES V. Also Athletics/Acrobatics could be much more useful with this, there are a lot of possibilities.


Define "This kind..." :unsure:

Hmm, I am sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean. For "This" I meant the "Freedom of Movement" video included on the original post of the thread. And I did not intend to use "kind" with any implicit meaning, for it came from the adverb "kind of" (same as kinda, sort of, etc). Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say?

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This kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and yes, it would be awesome in TES V. Also Athletics/Acrobatics could be much more useful with this, there are a lot of possibilities.


Define "This kind..." :unsure:

Hmm, I am sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean. For "This" I meant the "Freedom of Movement" video included on the original post of the thread. And I did not intend to use "kind" with any implicit meaning, for it came from the adverb "kind of" (same as kinda, sort of, etc). Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say?



It seems I got it all wrong, my bad.


Also to stay on topic, I think it would be better not to force the player to stay face to face with an NPC while talking. I mean one could hear the other just fine even if they stand a couple of feet apart.

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As well as maybe a sum of gold you woud be able to maybe display his head/horn/ severed genetalia on the wall of your home


lol. Not quite what I had in mind. Well, the head and the horn are. Not sure I would appreciate waking up next to a set of festering, rancorous minotaur genitals a few months down the line though. :)

But back to the point - There are a lot of games out there, a heckuva lot, that have implemented fantastic ideas without needing "dumbing down" ... thats actually fatal to a games longevity (take a look at what SOE have done to EverquestII & SWG for case in point on an MMORPG scale. Deader than flared trousers) & those of us who haven't been anaesthetised to violence because we play too many videogames & watch too many violent movies (in case you're wondering I'm being highly sarcastic here) kinda like our games to be a little complex, to take a little thinking about. Not as in "I wonder if I can balance this fine Daedric Longsword on that there weapon rack using just the grab button and highly suspect vanilla engine physics" complex either, but games that actually make us think tend to live longer, and remain more playable, than the outright "I'ma gonna chop you up/shoot you/rob your house, foo!" kinda thing does these days too.

We like complex. We like engaging our brain as well as our sword arm once in a while. I guess the point here is more and better puzzles. I'm not saying less hack and slash. Oh no. I like hack and slash too... but look at the size of the world. Look at the number of NPCs that inhabit it, and yet once more its only thanks to modders that we have any really decent puzzling content in TESIV. Are you seriously telling me that these people don't have issues that can't only be solved by waving around a sword thats three times longer than your body is or wearing a Robe of Glib tongues whilst chatting up the appropriate NPC or whatever?

I mean obviously, I love the game. To bits and back. Its the one game I keep coming back to, no matter what. But really, some things would have been minor implements, yet we (read: Modders) had to fix it for them. That ain't right. Is it?



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Ok maybe the minotaur genitals were a bit too far :yes:

I agree with you that the puzzle/ intelectual side needs to be bigged up, the only decent puzzle ive actually found in the game is the mages guild one where you have to hit the pilars with certain spells.


And yeah it is pretty ironic that some of the best stuff comes not from the developers but the modders. The game on its own is pretty good buts its longevity comes from mods (que national anthem) oblivion probably would have faded into a backnote if the game wasnt constantly updated by the community (and i don't mean all that MMORPG crap). And with a community that can make such brilliant mods like better cities or UV it is owed to us to not treat us like all we want to do is smash stuff (even though it is fun)

So i completely agree that more puzzles and other more intellectualy testing challenges can only be a good thing.

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No more quest marker will solve most of TES IV quest difficulty and puzzles problem, in III finding the right cave is puzzle enough.


But such feature will only work if implemented in a really expansive and truly living environment, and this is TES series major points above any others IMHO. For me, combat system took a backseat for this.


I've been thinking though, isn't changing the leveling system is kinda changed a major chunk of TES formula?

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And... what if TES V includes a little online multiplayer mode? I think it could be fun, and it will also have mods.


For example: you have a 4 people clan and you want to play a modded quest with them. Then, if someone has that mod, he only must be the "server" of the game. Then, modded files will download into your computer to play with that mod "installed" in your game.

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Assuming that everyone has enough space on their hard drive, a high enoughb performance machine to download and install in reasonable time and have the relevant maintenance addons I.E mod manager and OBSE.

this is of course wether or not they want the actual file on their computer

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