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You Favorite Race For Morrowind


You Favorite Race For Morrowind  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. You Favorite Race For Morrowind

    • Argonian
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf (Dummer)
    • High Elf (Altmer)
    • Imperial
    • Khajiit
    • Nord
    • Orc
    • Redguard
    • Wood Elf (Bosmer)

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  • 1 month later...
My very first TES character was an argonian and since then I like them a lot. I don't realy like Oblivion argonians as they look to human like. I also like dunmers. Always so arrogant and ready to kick arse, I could not rezist to play as one. My current character is a dark elf rogue. Also there are bretons, very good with magic stuff. This is my top 3 to call it like that. :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Dunmer all the way, with Breton and Khajiit in close second and third.


Including non-playables, I really love Dwemer and Dremora such that I incorperate tons of Dwemer stuff into my main character's equipment and story, and I have a Dremora character as well.

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redguard without a doubt! powerful, yet regal and respectable.. i love a good redguard healer/restoration char. means well and has good intentions but is taken seriously :) theyre the best
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