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Piraka from bionicle


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The piraka here should use the minotaur skeleton.





And this piraka should use the goblin skeleton and have the weapon as a one handed sword.



They should be in different colors and be a modders resource.



And if anyone wants to make this rhakshi. Make it with a new skeleton and animations and in different colors with a staff for it to hold like it does in the picture.


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I feared this day would come. Could you do it the answer is going to be no. I can't think of anything else to say could somone do it and yes this was part of it. Bionicle is ending and i want some of the last parts of bionicle in elder scrolls.



2001-2010 R.I.P :(

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Unfortuneately stuff like this is too complex believe me when i say theres is VERY VERY few people who can make a custom creature... if you would have requested this in 2006 you probably would have got somebody who could. but over time modders look for newer releases to continue there work such as FO3. yes there is still alot of talanted modders on the oblivion forums but not any that are capable of the extensive extremes and custom creatures is very hard work
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Should be kinda easy


The models seems like they would have to be quite high in the poly count to actually look good due to all the rounded curves.


There are no existing skeletons and animations that would make them move somewhat like the toys. You are not likely to find anyone who will dedicate the amount of time necessary to create such a skeleton and animate it...especially since there are so many different ones required based on the shapes that I see. Attaching the models to existing skeletons will yield a not-so-great result but "could" be done.


I am also not aware there are many bionicle fans on this site...let alone modellers that are bionicle fans. I certainly have no love for them (e.g. I'd have to get paid to spend time on them)


You may have to learn how to work Blender and create these models yourself in order for them to make it into Oblivion. It all depends if this is something that you think is worth your time.



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