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Oblivion Is Missing Alot From Morrowind


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In my opinion, Oblivion - while great on graphics and some great new additions, like horsebackriding, teleportation anywhere via map - is missing a whole lot of important stuff that I really miss from Morrowind.


Like - crossbows (particularly Dwarven), spears, throwing stars, darts... Levitation...Invisibility (Chameleon is still there) ... the beautiful faces of Rhedd/Emma etc. .... Better Bodies = I'd have thought Bethesda might just have gotten the hint that we all liked the options of Better Bodies [ full nude, women topless, only females nude] ... I do not especially like the Face/Gen looks of Oblivion, the noses are ugly ... and there are probably other things I haven't discovered yet.


What is your opinion? Are there things already that you hope the modders n modellers will soon get to adding for your gaming pleasure & to play at the level you came to be used to with modded Morrowind?


ps=Thank you a million times over to Lady Eternity for already updating her wonderful PetShop Mod to Oblivion!


I know i know .... I'm a complainer. My hubby Cain says I acquired my Black Belt in NagFoo at our 20th anniversary. {He also had planned to trade me in at age 40 for 2 20's.....but I nagfooed him right outa that notion! Men!!!!)

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Um, there is Invisibility as far as I know. I've seen potions of it, and it's mentioned in some of the loading splash screens.


This belongs in General Oblivion really but there's already a thread like this going there (Oblivion or Morrowind? poll thread). So to avoid people double posting their opinions in both threads I think it's best to lock this for now.

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