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FFXI NPC specific armor request


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My request is this: The unique set of armor that Semih Lafihna, captain of the Sybil Guard from FFXI wears




I've attempted to port the armor to Oblivion in the past, and all attempts so far have been met with the same result: Abject failure.

I got as far as getting the .DAT files converted into a workable format and then importing them into 3Ds Max 9. After I did that, that is when I ran into an impassable roadblock, the armor itself is part of the NPC itself, not a separate part. Not only that but I was told that even if I did manage to get the armor into the game it'd look horrible quality wise. After that revelation I decided to admit defeat and come here to you guys to see if you'd have better luck at doing this than I did.


If someone were to do this for me my gratitude would be immense. ;D

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Come on, is that alll you guys have to say? :(

Bumping a thread for the sake of bumping a thread is not a good way to get your idea seen as people will just ignore the thread when they see nothing more of value, and will usually continue ignoring it even when some sort of update has been made. If nobody else has said anything, and you have nothing additional to add to your requests, you should refrain from posting. If you have something else to contribute and you are the last one who posted, it is suggested that you use the "edit" button to add that addition to the previous post. If the thread has had no response for a week or two, you may then bump the thread to give it a second look.


That said, most mesh requests go unanswered simply because they are not easy to do and there aren't many who would do them. Rather than sitting in your thread hoping for a response, your time might be better spent taking a look to see what existing meshes and resources might work retextured to make your request a bit easier.

Edited by Vagrant0
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