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But video games and movies have proved zombies come in hordes, what are you gonna do about that?


My number 1 option would be to lock my self up in the highest story in a multistory supermall, zombies would never climb those stairs

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I would try to be reasonible and frigging try to survive. instead of unneeded killing. I would go on a highest skyscraper in New York. Romantic cool and I would kill the elevator just in case they kno how to use it.

Oh and I am also making a website for my survival plan. Its all serious business,


and killing too many zombies ain't gonna help. My towns population is 20000 and if one half is infected then it would take me 10000 ammo and i will probably miss at some point so thats a lot of killing. My idea. Killing only when needed, survive is the key.

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