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Your favorite quests


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First off, sorry if it's been done before. I searched several pages into the forum and didn't see it.



I complain about this game alot, but I really do like it. Honest I do....



I just played the Azura's Shrine quest for the first time. It took me a while to get around to it. Azura's was the first shrine I discovered. But I could never get any damn glow dust, and whenever I had any, it was always too far away to go to. (I only fast travel for testing purposes.)


So tonight, I finally played the quest.



And I have to say, I was very impressed. People might think it's a ho-hum, go fight these guys quest; but there were two things about it that were just plain pro.


1. I'm using OOO, I'm level 11, and with the slider at about halfway, those guys were hard. Oscuro probably set them at level 25 or something. Or maybe at +10 to the player. I didn't look at them in the CS, but I was very thankful it wasn't the standard vanilla level with the player business. I'm using a mod that adds a sprint key, and it was the only way I survived, being able to run away while my slow health potions did their work. I practically retreated all the way down to Cheydinhall while fighting just two! Sure I cursed at the computer and did my usual shannigans, but in the end, it was a good challenge.


2. Very nice backstory. The note on one of the bodies was actually rather moving. It felt like I was actually doing something, rather than just following my marker.




Another quest I really liked was the Seige of Kvatch. I have one issue: Why the hell would you put the lever to raise the portcullis's between them??? Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose if the trapped enemies who are getting burned alive with oil and flaming wood can just walk over and turn the wheel? :wallbash:


But it was very nice besides that. :thumbsup:

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In Vanilla Oblivion? No contest. Sheogoraths shrine. A great break from the usual hack and slash stuff, convincing a village of religious fanatics, and cat peoples at that, that their world is going to end. And the third sign of Armageddon is just classic. Every playthrough, soon as I decide its time for a little 'light relief' and comic value, I head up the hills to see ol' Sheo and his little cultist followers. It never disappoints.



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Just off the top of my head, my fav vanilla side-quest is probably the merchant one in IC. This has a nice range of detective-style elements. From mods I'd have to say my own but I might just be a little biased. And agreeing with others here, the Brotherhood quests are always fun. Some of the shrine quests are pretty good too. Man, I have to think about this one more to pick a favorite but honestly I miss Morrowind and wish it worked on Vista cuz my Xbox is pretty fried. Lots of those were some of the best/coolest quests I've ever played.
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My favourite quests are the daedric shrine ones, they're unique: Vaermina's, Malachat's, Namira's, Sheogorath's etc.

Also, the SI Main quest is good, I just love Sheogorath :D

The Dark brotherhood quest "whodunit?" (don't know if it's the exact name) is good too, because it can be done in several ways.

The Thieves guild quests aren't so bad after all, and the DB ones too.

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It can be about mod quests. After all, it was largely due to Oscuro that I liked the Azura's Shrine quest. I'd love to know what mods to download if there are some well written quests in them.


I also recently played the Namira's Shrine quest. Very nice as well. I was especially a fan of the Aylied Meteoric Dagger that my level 13 character found in a chest locked with Easy. Thanks Oscuro! :thumbsup:

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