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$ variables in Achieve That and High Heel System in MCM


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I verified Skyrim files via Steam, I reinstalled thise mods, but the problem is still there.


In MCM, instead of Achieve That position, I got just $AT. Everything in the menu of this mod (and High Heel System) is also in the form of variable, just like the language files went missing. If that was the case - however - reinstalling the mod should've help.


Any ideas, solutions?

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Double check that the language files are there

Data > Interface > Translations

If loose file it would be MODNAME_LANGUAGE.txt

If not there it could be packed inside the mod's BSA file


Ensure that your language file is there. If your language is not there, then that would explain the text labels with $ at the beginning.

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The way the localization works is by having the text label beginning with a $ in the script. SKSE then looks to the translation file for the matching text label with a $ in front of it. If there is no matching text label with associated text, then SKSE causes the text label with the $ to be displayed.




in a script file:


in the translation file (text label and displayed text are separated by a tab space)

$Hello	Hello World

The actual notification displayed should be

Hello World


If $Hello had not been present, then it would have displayed $Hello instead of Hello World

or if $Hello World had been present instead, then it would have displayed $Hello


It may be worth examining the scripts to determine if the text labels match up with the the labels used in the script file.

One other possibility is that the translation file itself was saved in an incorrect format. It needs to be in a specific format (UCS-2 Little Endian) else it will not work.


Other than that, I have no idea as to why it would not be working.

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Well, the mod name in MCM is displayed as $AT, so I presume that it is the label used in the script.
In Skyrim/Data/Interface/Translations/achievethat_english.txt there's a string:

$AT	Achieve That!

So I believe it should be displayed as "Achieve That!" in the MCM.

And it's in UCS-2 Little Endian.


Same goes for High Heels.


In theory everything should be just fine and dandy. But somehow it's broken.

Edited by Atulin
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I haven't touched anything, however the names of the language files are different, than the names of ESPs. I'll change them and see if it's going to work.


Edit: Nope, still doesn't seem to work... I'm officially out of ideas.

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  • 11 months later...

Simply try to rename the translation file and make it end with "yourskyrimlanguage".


For ex:

got the case you have MODNAME_LANGUAGE.txt


and your skyrim is ENGLISH, you should rename the file in MODNAME_ENGLISH.txt


that though the language inside the text file is not english.

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