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Your Top Five Favorite Video Games for all time


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Sure . . . make a new topic when my "game of the decade" topic isn't finished yet.


Not in order :


- Civilization IV


- Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic


- Max Payne 2


- Resident Evil 4 (Wii)


- Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)


(Honorable Mention : Oblivion)

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1. Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi outcast / all half life and hl2 games (yes i like Blue shift too, so what? )

2. Oblivion

3. Stronghold crusader

4. Halo: Combat evolved

5. Warcraft3

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1) The Elder Scrolls

2) The Twisted Metal's

3) Fallout 3

4) Dragon's Age Origins


(Top 5 are in no real order)


Can't forget:

Prince of Persia's

Assassin's Creed's

Call of Duty's (the WW2 ones)

Devil May Cry's

The Zelda Games

The Soul Caliburs

NOTE: And as soon as "Dante's Inferno" comes out, I'm sure it will be in the top 5 as well

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