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Kvatch Rebuilt crashes...


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I could use some help here.


During the second quest of Kvatch Rebuilt, my game suddenly crashes everytime I get near the first blood puddle on the road. I thought it was because I had another Kvatch mod enabled (Kvatch Essential), but it still crashes. This is very odd, as the quest worked perfectly before.


Help, please?

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Then I'm sorry, I have no idea.



However, I would HIGHLY recommend that you take another look at OOO. Compared to OOO, Vanilla Oblivion is like a 640 X 480 Monochrome Monitor. Remember thoes?


OOO makes so many changes to the game that it is like starting over again with a different game. I had almost given up on Oblivion, until I discovered OOO, and I've never looked back...

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