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My Character Starting to Bore Me


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When I created my character I was trying to make the ultimate weapon, and I succeeded.


I've had a lot of rogue mage characters, in fact, I love a good rogue mage. When I made my current character I decided that I would make him a rogue mage but first I would train his endurance. What resulted was a level 56 rogue mage with about 750 health. He has an easy battle style: run around really fast and go crazy. My character has level 100 in every attribute except luck which is 74. All of his skills are level 100 except for marksman, speechcraft, and mercantile. And with the equiment I've found for him, he reflects 80% of magic and damage.


I just don't know what to do in the game anymore. I'm at the top of every guild. I'm fully capable of fighting over 10 guards at the same time. I own every house in the game except for probably about two. I killed the gatekeeper without using the arrows or the tears. And what bugs me is that a while back I turned off the collision grid so that I could walk off of dive rock and fall all the way down. When I turned the collisions back on my character fell all the way off dive rock plus a little extra...and I lived. I downloaded a zombie massacre plugin (which was awesome by the way "28 days and a bit") and I couldn't get myself killed. I used a cheat to remove all of my items but I could still outrun anything.


Is there anything fun I can do anymore? I'm not sure if the difficulty bar would help considering my damage reflection...


I'd really like some ideas.

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When I created my character I was trying to make the ultimate weapon, and I succeeded.


I've had a lot of rogue mage characters, in fact, I love a good rogue mage. When I made my current character I decided that I would make him a rogue mage but first I would train his endurance. What resulted was a level 56 rogue mage with about 750 health. He has an easy battle style: run around really fast and go crazy. My character has level 100 in every attribute except luck which is 74. All of his skills are level 100 except for marksman, speechcraft, and mercantile. And with the equiment I've found for him, he reflects 80% of magic and damage.


I just don't know what to do in the game anymore. I'm at the top of every guild. I'm fully capable of fighting over 10 guards at the same time. I own every house in the game except for probably about two. I killed the gatekeeper without using the arrows or the tears. And what bugs me is that a while back I turned off the collision grid so that I could walk off of dive rock and fall all the way down. When I turned the collisions back on my character fell all the way off dive rock plus a little extra...and I lived. I downloaded a zombie massacre plugin (which was awesome by the way "28 days and a bit") and I couldn't get myself killed. I used a cheat to remove all of my items but I could still outrun anything.


Is there anything fun I can do anymore? I'm not sure if the difficulty bar would help considering my damage reflection...


I'd really like some ideas.


With all the mods out there I set my difficulty bar all the way to the right a long time ago and I've never been happier. At low levels this is really challenging. At high levels some of the tougher enemies from mods are almost impossible to kill without console commands so in those cases you might have to do a bit of tweaking. Here's my tips for enjoying the game when demi-god status is (or nearly is) yours and you don't want to create a fresh char...


1. Crank the difficulty bar all the way. Even with cheap weapons, enemies can deal a lot of damage if you're not careful.

2. Try battles without any companions.

3. If any equipment seems over-powering to you leave it at home the next time you go adventuring.

4. Use x2Fair Spawns or any such mod to increase vanilla enemy leveled lists.

5. Try creating your own in-game quest by leaving ALL your gear at home and pretending like you got robbed or drunk and dropped off in the middle of any wilderness area. No go WALK home using whatever you might find along the way and don't forget the fig leaf!

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If you don't have MMM get it. It makes the game much more interesting and much more enjoyable plus you can set the spawns to be insane (I believe 5 times the number of creatures per spawn as compared to vanilla) and there's lots of strong creatures that can be extremely difficult to take down. You may also want to look into FRANOOOMMM which is Francesco's, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and MMM combined. it's definitely a challenge you could also tweak the game some yourself I have with Fallout3 now I gain very little health per level regardless of endurance and all humans (including myself) die from a few shots so it's both much more difficult and much more realistic. All I did was tweak the health system a bit and what a change it was only a half hour or so of tinkering (would've been less but MMMF3 and Fook2 lol) you could mess with the reflection system or health or damage maybe tweak the creatures' reflection abilities (which is how they mainly balance things in the game) so that they're harder to kill and you aren't so godly. just a few thoughts
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Thanks for those tips. The 5th one is what I did in the zombie invasion. I think I'll try to play some hard plugins.


Does anyone know of a good really hard plugin I can download off the website?


So far the toughest enemies I've encounter come from this MOD. It took me and 3 companions to take down the 1st enemy and the 2nd was so hard I didn't even bother and just console-killed him because I didn't even want to waste my time. If you can defeat these guys alone and on the highest difficulty setting then you probably have some pretty overpowering gear.

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