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A quick bugfix for a pair of really useful mods


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Anyone ever used the Leveling Perks mods by Jaredsh? These two.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16942/? Original

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16943/? Lite


I've used both of these mods, but it's been a good many months since. They made me realize how wasted the perk points feel when you spend multiple points on the same perk, so spending them on more fun pekrs is really a blessing. But there's a bug with them (or just one, I forget), with the Alchemy skill. If you have the Alchemist perk, and reach lv 40 in Alchemy, the potions you mix are as strong as though you were lv 15 in Alchemy, and with no perk. When you reach lv 60, the next leveling point, your mixtures are at their proper strength, but that gap spanning 20 levels is a great nuisance. Since I love the concept, but the mods are flawed, since I stopped using them, I've been adding the perks manually with the console, but it's just too much of a chore.


I've sent a message to Jaredsh, of course, but he doesn't seem to have been active for a while, so I wouldn't hope for much with him. If he does reply, well that's great, but someone with at least decent skill (I'm way below that) could fix this. Then more people could use them, and realize how good they are.


Many thanks.

Edited by faffman
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Yes, I posted it about a year ago (I think?), but never got a reply, so I just gave up using the mods. It was by the end of last year I started posting on this forum, so it hasn't occurred to me to post here until now.

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Well, I ran BOSS a quickie, and it didn't have any dirty edits. Cleaned it as well, though it probably didn't do anything.


EDIT: Hooray, I don't have any issues with alchemy now. So for now it's fine, though I suspect there are more issues to be had with the mod.

Edited by faffman
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