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Issues concerning Load Order.


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I'm just curious, what is Load Order and how do you set it up properly? Does it have any effect on game stability? I only run the following mods:


-All Official DLCs

-Unofficial F3 Patch (1.2.0)

-Fellout Full and Fellout DLCs




All I do is use the F3 Launcher, put a check next to the mod files in the Data Files list and play. I find that my game freezes and crashes quite often and forces me to end the process in task manager. What oould be the cause


If someone wouldn't mind helping me out, I'd appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.

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Use FOMM instead of the F3 Launcher. It's easier to work with :P And turn on "Toggle Invalidation" just to be safe.


Did your game crash without the mods? If not, try playing with only one at a time to figure out if any of them is making your game freeze/crash

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Use FOMM instead of the F3 Launcher. It's easier to work with :P And turn on "Toggle Invalidation" just to be safe.


Did your game crash without the mods? If not, try playing with only one at a time to figure out if any of them is making your game freeze/crash


I think it did used to crash before the mods, but a LOT less frequently than it does now. I can't go more than 10 minutes of a game without it freezing/crashing. I remember when I installed the Unofficial F3 Patch that it said you didn't need to worry about the ArchiveInvalidation anymore or whatever. How do you figure out what the proper load order is?


Edit: I just tried manually sorting the mods using FOMM in the order I think would be optimal and the game crashed in 5 minutes. Getting really aggravating.


Thanks again.

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Try out BOSS or FOMS to sort the mods... But if you had crashes from before it may be your computer, not the game


Yeah, it did crash before the mods, but on very very rare occasions. I know it's not my computer, but I'll give a try what you suggested. What's BOSS and FOMS though? Here's my current load order report , maybe you can tell me what the warnings/errors mean:



Mod load order report

! Warning: current load order template contains 16 duplicate entries














Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp





Requires Anchorage.esm



Requires BrokenSteel.esm



Requires PointLookout.esm



* This mod does not exist in the current template



* This mod does not exist in the current template




Also, since Beth thought it'd be fun to limit variety in F3, are there console commands to give myself the Gauss Rifle or Sim version of the Gauss Rifle for my Followers to use? I was only able to retrieve one from the Sim and of course the Reward one. I'd like both Cross and Charon to use one.



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BOSS and FOMS can be found at the fallout3nexus website, they're mod sorting software. As the name says, it does the sorting for you. Anyways, your load order seems alright, so I can't really help :S Fallout 3 is a crash fest... I'm so used to it xD


Yes, there are console commands :P


just do "player.additem xx00c07d [quantity here, without the brackets] (or xx003a04, for the sim version)


Being the xx the position os anchorage.esm in your load order. In your current load order it would be something like "player.additem 030007d 2"






"Mod load order report! Warning: current load order template contains 16 duplicate entries"


I'd try using FO3Edit too. It has a function that lets you create a merged patch, so you won't have conflicts.

After you install it, run FO3Edit.exe and select the mods you want to edit. When they're all loaded right-click on the mod list and choose "Create merged patch". After the patch is created, save and exit. Make a copy of FO3Edit.exe and change it's name to FO3MasterUpdate.exe. Run it. (It tags all the files as .esm... For better compatibility, I guess)

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BOSS and FOMS can be found at the fallout3nexus website, they're mod sorting software. As the name says, it does the sorting for you. Anyways, your load order seems alright, so I can't really help :S Fallout 3 is a crash fest... I'm so used to it xD


Yes, there are console commands :P


just do "player.additem xx00c07d [quantity here, without the brackets] (or xx003a04, for the sim version)


Being the xx the position os anchorage.esm in your load order. In your current load order it would be something like "player.additem 030007d 2"






"Mod load order report! Warning: current load order template contains 16 duplicate entries"


I'd try using FO3Edit too. It has a function that lets you create a merged patch, so you won't have conflicts.

After you install it, run FO3Edit.exe and select the mods you want to edit. When they're all loaded right-click on the mod list and choose "Create merged patch". After the patch is created, save and exit. Make a copy of FO3Edit.exe and change it's name to FO3MasterUpdate.exe. Run it. (It tags all the files as .esm... For better compatibility, I guess)


Thanks, that helped a lot. I haven't experienced any of the constant crashes that it used to after I've fixed the load order.


One more thing - any idea why Followers will only use the Sim Gauss Rifle and not the real one? I tried giving Charon the Gauss, he won't use it. Is there a mod to enable NPCs to use them as well? And is there a non-crash causing mod that allows you to repair the rifle with other items? The mod I tried that makes my game crash like crazy was the one that lets you use Laser Rifles to repair it.


Edit: I think FO3Edit made it worse, crashed within 20 seconds of loading my savegame. I restored the original mod files and now its crashing every time I pass through a door to the next area. This is aggravating to say the least - can't go even 5 minutes without a crash to desktop...


As it stands, my game is currently unplayable (which I dont understand when I've seen people running 50 or more mods at once, with no complaints).

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