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Hollowed Out Tree Stump-Market PLace


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My problem is that after I finished the Dark Brotherhood mission A Matter of Honor I am lead to a tree stump that is supposed to be openable but it isnt. I pretty sure that the tree is ascessable from the start based on what I looked up and I don't think any mods modify THAT tree stump. Any suggestions while I download the unofficial patch? :confused:
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http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Coldest_Sleep (don't go on here if you haven't done the quest, spoilers ya know :P )


Do "setstage Dark15Coldest 10" (without quotes) to force it...otherwise I'm not sure what would bug it up if none of your mods conflict with it.

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Here is the script attached to the stump:


Scriptname Dark14DeadDropScript

Short Enabled
Short EmptyBox

Begin GameMode

;adds items in the treestump when they're needed
if enabled == 0
if GetStage Dark14Honor == 20
	additem gold001 500
	additem DarkLachanceOrders3 1
	set enabled to 1

if EmptyBox == 0
if GetStage Dark14Honor == 20
	if GetItemCount DarkLachanceOrders3 < 1  
		SetStage Dark14Honor  100
		SetStage Dark15Coldest 10
		set EmptyBox to 1



I tend to play light characters and haven't played this quest, so I don't know how it works, but to duplicate the effect of the first block, use these console codes:

Player.AddItem 0000000F 500

Player.AddItem 00030195 1


To duplicate the effect of the second block:

SetStage Dark14Honor 100

SetStage Dark15Coldest 10

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  • 1 year later...

It has happened to me again at this hollowed-out tree stump, too! First dead drop at Hero's Hill the hollowed-out moss covered rock I couldn't ever find the orders. I had to use console to set quest stage and add item to player there too. Must be a bug for certain players that the mesh never got loaded from the game. So off to enter the codes for this dead drop #6, lol!! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/angry.gif

As a reference, here are the links to get the codes: Dark Brotherhood Quests ID and Oblivion PC Cheats: Books and Scroll Codes

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