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Oblivion still worth playing?


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So I've been enjoying playing Fallout 3 (original, no DLCs) with mods a lot and yesterday an ad caught my eye. It was Oblivion GOTY Edition for 9,99€.


Is Oblivion still worth playing? As I understood it the GOTY has the two addons - Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine - which have updated graphics because of the Shiver Isles addon. So the graphics should Fallout 3ish right? Is it as prone to crash as Fallout 3 is? Still buggy even after patches etc.?

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If you like bows and arrows instead of guns and grenades,

If you like threes and flowers instead of dust and gray land,

If you like bears and wolfs instead of zombies and mutants,

Then go ahead and buy the damn game, it's only 10 bucks.

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The amount of content you can get for Oblivion is simply staggering. Don't forget to install the 'Unofficial Oblivion Patch' and 'Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch' mods.


There are many overhaul mods that iron out all flaws with the game. Leveling, skills, birthsigns, enemy ai, fighting styles, crime and punishment, player homes, animations, graphics, races, textures, distant LODs, music, items and a million things more.


The game in it's vanilla form does have some annoying flaws... just google 'Oblivion gripes'. You'll eventually discover something you dislike yourself and you can rest assured that there's a mod to fix it.


Oblivion is one of my favourites even after a few thousands hours of gametime (Yeah... really) put into it. I've been gaming on Fallout 3 a lot but recently returned to Oblivion.


For $10 it's like getting a game + several thousand DLCs?

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Its better than FO3 imo. Fallout is grand, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't have Oblivion's replay-ability. In fact it doesn't come close. Finished the game + a few mods and never went back to it.

With Oblivion, which I've had since it came out, regardless of what gaming phase I'm going through, regardless of how i fancy playing, I can always, always, always find something to do. And thats just vanilla. Now I'm running near on 200 mods on my main game (and thats after merging a bunch of them myself after I hit the limit) and around 120 on a seperate charector. A lot of which are doubles but there are also some major differences (with/without FCOM, ImpeREAL cities/Better Cities, with/without COBL, LTD Vamp Overhaul vs Scorps, Lycanthropy, ect ect ect... I could go on but I'd be here all year) and I too have clocked up a total of a couple of thousand hours of gameplay... and its STILL stable (well, ish. There are problems but with so many mods you kinda expect that)... and if ever I get to thinking "Hmmm... what can I play tonight?" I just know Oblivion isn't going to bore me.

Plus, it looks fantastic (if your comp has the power, nothing different to FO3 or most other new-ish games there) and on my rig it still sings and kicks like nobodies business with full HDR, Full AA, Full AS and all the rest of the bells and whistles you can think of cranked right up.

So is it worth $10?

What are you? Daft? Of course it bloody is! 8)



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Thanks for all the replies!

I think I'll go get it tomorrow and start doing a bit of research on the vanilla downsides and available mods. :]


I'm a student myself and 10€ is a lot for me. I eat 4 days with 10€.


I've taken these kind of "risks" (Biggest disappointments for me - Master of Orion 3 and Bioshock for top two) before and a few times I've been gravely disappointed and trying REALLY hard to avoid getting disappointed ever again (Well until I get a steady job atleast).

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