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gpu problem


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Hello at all, i'm new and i'm not sure that this is the right place for my mess, but i need an extreme help.

the game don't found my GPU (nvidia gtx 275) and wen i play, see more bug on eye and hair and dialog windows are pink

What can i do? i tried to download the beta driver for my gpu but nothing


pleas HELP

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Heya Saligio. Welcome to the Nexus.

Firstly - Oblivion doesn't recognise newer graphics cards. Its too old. I wouldn't worry about that. Its not your issue. Use your graphics card controllers to set the options like HDR/Anti-aliasing/Antisoptric (SP? Whatever) filtering, and just use Oblivion's own menus to set the other, more basic stuff, like texture size and things.

Now onto your real problem. The "pink" things are missing textures.

2 questions.

Are you running any mods?


Where did you get the game (retail/steam/d2d whatever) and what version is it?


Okay... technically speaking, thats three questions. Nevermind. I never claimed I could count.



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Odd, because it picked up my 5770 just fine :)


Are you running the latest Nvidia drivers? Remember, don't install new drivers over old ones...uninstall the old ones first, then install the new :)

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Well, I assumed (I know the whole assume = ASS of U and ME thing, so leave it at home. ;) ) that Oblivion didn't clock em as it didn't recognise my 9500s... even before I twin linked em, though that could be because they are third party cards that use the nVidia 9500 chipset. But nvm. Either way, I don't think the card is Sali's problem. Good point about the Drivers though. They should be reverse compatible most of the time... however, yeah, if you have a problem that -is- your graphics card, uninstall em, then clean install the new ones.



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