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"Lore-Friendly" or Lore?


It generally means things that are "true" to a game.


For instance I made a mod called Brahmin Diary products which added Brahmin milk to the game. This milk had radiation healing benefits. Many people questioned this but I pointed them to the Fallout Wiki which said "Brahmin are a source of milk that is like modern day milk, yet terrifyingly different, it has been said to help heal radiation poisoning." Moira Brown also mentions Brahmin Milk in her radiation quest. Therefore my mod is Lore. My Brahmin Smoothies however zren't Lore (they're not mentioned in any game) but they are Lore friendly (made from Brahmin Milk).


I hope that very simple explanation helps.

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"Lore-Friendly" or Lore?


It generally means things that are "true" to a game.


For instance I made a mod called Brahmin Diary products which added Brahmin milk to the game. This milk had radiation healing benefits. Many people questioned this but I pointed them to the Fallout Wiki which said "Brahmin are a source of milk that is like modern day milk, yet terrifyingly different, it has been said to help heal radiation poisoning." Moira Brown also mentions Brahmin Milk in her radiation quest. Therefore my mod is Lore. My Brahmin Smoothies however zren't Lore (they're not mentioned in any game) but they are Lore friendly (made from Brahmin Milk).


I hope that very simple explanation helps.


It does, thanks! :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
I made a mod called Brahmin Diary products which added Brahmin milk to the game. This milk had radiation healing benefits.


Well, I think it's useful and according to the story :)

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