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Revamped TenPenny Tower


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You come up to the Tower, and its HUGE. You manage to talk your way in, and you expect to see a grandiose interior, but are met with...only 4 floors? It's supposed to be a huge thriving community. Some of the smaller places in the city have more floors and rooms.


Ground Floor: This floor has only 4 shops? I'd like to see the floor plan increased to accommodate more shops, with a wider range of services. Barbershop maybe? Also, Alistair brought the richest, most affluent people, so the funds available in the shops should be substantially more than that of the wastelander shops, or even Megaton and Rivet City.


Floors 2-6: Increase the number of floors and tenants. Increase the interior of the tower. Double the heights of the ground (first) floor, so the stairs to the second floor are higher, make is seem more palatial. Add at least 4 more floors, filled with more tenants, maybe have one floor that is partially caved in.


Penthouse Suites: These should reflect the rich nature of ultimate affluence. Multi-room suites. High-Class accommodations. Alistair's suite should reflect that, and for the most part it does. However, your suite looks more like a Motel 6 room, without the bathroom. This needs to be remedied to reflect Alistair's own personal suite.


I would like to see the tower revamped and increased. Keep the outside the same. Clean up the fountain, get it running. Or even have a Tenpenny quest where you find more and more things to fix, similar to Moira's multi-stage Wasteland Guide quests. Fix the fountain, get different tools, perhaps find a pump or a pump hose., Perhaps a new chandilier. A quest where the ghouls can move into a couple of the empty floors, and live peaceably with the tower residents.


I have seen TenPenny Suite mods, but none that change the tower as a whole. This I would like to see, if anyone out there would take the challenge.

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This to be honest!

Don't blow up Megaton = Get lots of nice quests from Moira.

Blow up Megaton = Get crap all apart from the suite from Burke and Tenpenny (Well the explosion is breathtaking.


Also getting into your house in megaton = faster and more convenient than the one in TPT. Also the interior of the TPT player house is a lot more disappointing than the one in Megaton. One huge room? Total bollocks and only a few containers to put things into. Express elevator on the outside of TPT wouldn't be half bad (Yeah I'm a bit lazy but it's annoying as it is). Maybe as a quest?


The "regular" residents shouldn't have extremely luxurious looking flats. But the one's upstairs where Tenpenny lives are worse than say Dukov's place. Could really use some spit'n'polish.

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i kinda agree. it used to be a hotel, but it doesn't look like the expensive ones. interior designer of tenpenny must've been on buffout.

for a player suite shortut, maybe add a bellhop/page near the counter who escorts (teleports) you directly into your suite as an dialog option.


PS: not to hijack, but is it possible to get both, the tenpenny suite AND the megaton house or are they oppositional?

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i kinda agree. it used to be a hotel, but it doesn't look like the expensive ones. interior designer of tenpenny must've been on buffout.

for a player suite shortut, maybe add a bellhop/page near the counter who escorts (teleports) you directly into your suite as an dialog option.


PS: not to hijack, but is it possible to get both, the tenpenny suite AND the megaton house or are they oppositional?


Can't get both houses in vanilla, but tenpenny suite mods exist that give you the room.


I worked on Tenpenny as my first modding effort. Added a quest that gives player access to the suite with upgrades and killer expansions as the quest progresses. The quest provides custom entry level weapons to get a low level player out to Tenpenny easily, replaces and reverses the tenpenny quest with a 3rd path, adds 3 hot NPCs (all vendors, including a karma vendor), fortifies the exterior and adds tenpenny commandos for defense against the hordes of ghouls that stream out of warrington (like the residents are all terrified of one ghoul in leather), and much, much more.


Pity its a little buggy, never finalized, and I never released it. Still, I can't play the game without it. Suite is way better than anything released and, hey, its built to my specs. :)


Any EXPERIENCED modder interested in partnering to buff this up for release pls send PM.

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  • 8 months later...

Is this gonna be made?



If no-one else will do it, I will :whistling:


Actually, I am. Ive started adding a little onto the lobby, Ima do that barber you wanted.

Anyother shop suggestions? Hit me, Ill try to fit it in.


I was going to do another cafe on th 3rd/4th floor.

The residents are just going to be generic for now.


Edit -



Ive made the Barbers shop, screenshots will come as soon as I reach tenpenny tower. Right now, Im in DC.

Also, the base floor plans for floors 3 4 and 5 are done.


edit2 -


GECK crash -.-

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Im not sure, but either way... Im still going to do it.


Variety is always good. :thumbsup:


Edit ~


Sorry about the size and quality, it was taken in the geck. :rolleyes:


But still, better than nothing, right?



The Barber Shop

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I always liked the van buren design better. Really, it's about the same, except that there was a part of the tower where a bunch of eyebots nested. One of them even beeped and flew out when you got near.

Any chance that could be worked in?

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yea im currently making a mod that reduces some of the heavy lighting in the tower, adding a gaurd station with working security camera monitors, and adding a buttler and maid to tenpenny's suite. if anyone would like to lend a helping on this one with me i could merge with tehbuddah if he wants
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