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Revamped TenPenny Tower


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Im not sure Nadin...

Do the Eyebots actually fly?

Or are they made like the Imps form Oblivion?


Also, Tehoneandonly, I dont really like working in partnerships, or teams.

But, We could make a compatibility mod between our two mods?

Maybe mention them in each others descriptions too?

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Maybe a couple of basement floors where the service people live. Someone has to keep the tower clean right? A robot store would be cool. So you can buy your own robot.


They have clothes, junk, weapon and med stores right? Maybe a spa, giving a benefit similar to well rested. Rich people like unnecessary luxurys. Maybe some quests given by the shop owners, they need you to acquire some items for them for around the wastelands.

Btw, maybe the wall textures can be cleaned up a little?

Oh! Do they have a chef? (long time since I played, waiting for a solution for my crashing game.) Maybe you can sell your food to him and he will cook it and you can buy it as less rad food. Or he sells less rad food as it is.



Maybe as a quest if you don't blow up megaton and want the suite, you can begin with the service people and work your way up the ladder until you do some work for Tenpenny and get awarded the suit. That is if there are any service people.



Oh and I just thought of something! Sorry if I hijack a little, but after Megaton is blown into nothing, it's highly radiative. and the ghouls want to live above ground. They can move into the Megaton crater. Making a second ghoul city.



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Nice ideas Ferk,


Ill definitely be implementing some of them.

I could re texture the walls so they're less grimy, but then Id have to replace all the tiles again, unless this is the only place using the neo classical tile-set. (?)


Also, there is a chef, But the less irradiated food sounds good.

And Ill definately add janitors and such, so the basement floors should be going in too.


And Tehoneandonly, The two towers thing sounds like a lot more work ( Double, actually :teehee: ), and Im nit too keen on the idea either.


(Also, I like the ghoul city idea, could turn out nice ;D)

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Gah. I thought of something good to say before but now I forgot it.


If it's too much work with the wallpaper change, then don't bother. Focus on making other things awesome instead.

Oh right! Now I remember. Your followers! They follow you around, and then you share a room? Pff. Give them their own suite! They are following the soon to be hero of the world, they deserve it!


Oh and after watching a lot of How i met your mother, I thought of something cool! A suit room! Every businesses man needs plenty of suits and hats and shoes. A big walk in closet. And if your a lady, well the same thing, but with girly stuff, Or male stuff, if that's what you are into. Anyway, maybe speak to some armor/suitmaker and get some custom suits and outfits.


Not that I want to get off topic, but maybe some funnier environment, not too much, but ya know, Tenpenny keeps talking about how he shoots people of his balcony. And I'll tell you what, I tried that, and there's never anyone walking by down there. Lame.


An orchestra! Radio isn't for rich people. They want live music or something!


What does rich people always say that they will get when they get rich? Female friends, Cars and oh, what's that last part?


It should have a brothel! And cars, There must be non destroyed cars somewhere right? That would be Awesome!


I think I'm out of ideas now. I just have one last long-shot, An amusement park! As i said, long-shot. Either a real amusement park, or a cage where animals fight! Or ghouls! You could get a quest for gathering fighters using something like a mesmetron, mesmatron, messm whatever, that thing.


Now i'm done! Sorry if I rambled too much. I just ran out of How i met your mother episodes to watch and I'm suffering from withdrawal. Why did I just type that and then post this?


EDIT! Just got the perfect idea! A gambling den! For gambling! Like rich people do!



Edited by SweFerk
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yea lol i agree with nadin sadly we arnt all octapusses that make that big of a mod in a week. and tehbudah i figured it could have a sky bridge connecting the two building i might make if you wont il let you know. and im also adding some for of roof to tenpeeny tower because right now its just hollow. it would be cool to put a ladder up there and a sniper rifle just for the hell of it. also how about an atic? with random junk in it
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Nice ideas Ferk,


Ill definitely be implementing some of them.

I could re texture the walls so they're less grimy, but then Id have to replace all the tiles again, unless this is the only place using the neo classical tile-set. (?)


Also, there is a chef, But the less irradiated food sounds good.

And Ill definately add janitors and such, so the basement floors should be going in too.


And Tehoneandonly, The two towers thing sounds like a lot more work ( Double, actually :teehee: ), and Im nit too keen on the idea either.


(Also, I like the ghoul city idea, could turn out nice ;D)



hey man maybe you can help me. im having some trouble with the security camera idea. have any thoughts on how this could work?

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